April 11, 2014

#SeeBeautiful: Ode to Spring - Dew Bee Dew Bee Dew

Today, it's the This Moment: See Beautiful hop, so for those of you emerging from this seemingly never-ending winter (aka "winternity"), here is a wee ode to spring, ala Sinatra... Dew-bee, dew-bee, dew!






Of course, being old, I think Sinatra when I hear "dooby dooby doo", but apparently there are a lotta young folk out there who think the phrase originated from penguins. I guess because of this.

Thanks to Sugar the Golden Retriever and See Beautiful for hosting the {This Moment} See Beautiful blog hop!


  1. Those are beautiful shots! Don't you live in the land of eternal spring? LOL

    1. Heehee! Yes! But, it was so hot this winter it was more like summer here! I'm glad it's spring so we can cool off! :)

  2. That was such a great idea to combine the song with your wonderful photos. BRAVO! have a beautiful friday

  3. Those are lovely flowers by themselves but the dew adds sparkle ;) Have a great weekend!

    1. Yeah, I love how the dew, especially on the succulents, looks like a jewel.

  4. Beautiful shots! I'm sure the people who are just emerging from winter will appreciate them even more. The thing about winter is some areas is there is such a lack of color!

    1. Very true! We've had such a hot summer here, I'm glad spring is here so we can cool off! :)

  5. Haha wonderful and so clever, I love it! Now I'll be humming dewbeedewbeedew all day :)

    1. Your hubs might wonder if you had an encounter with a "stranger in the night..." Sorry about that. ;)

  6. I now have an ear worm but with Sinatra and your lovely photos it will be a pleasant worm.

    1. I didn't consider the ear-worm potential of this post when I wrote it. Hope it will indeed be a pleasant worm. :)

  7. Oh my gosh what beautiful flower pictures. I love roses and the hen and chick. Thanks for sharing your beauty.

  8. Hi Y'all!

    My Human loves water on the flower petals too.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  9. you are sooooooooooooo silly!!!! Those photos are so gorgeous that I can practically smell the beautiful bouquet from here!

  10. :-) LOVE it! So jealous of your flowers ... none here. Out tulips are just coming out. We can't wait to see green grass. Happy Seeing Beauty. Golden Woofs

  11. Beautiful pictures. We haven't had dew her yet, but it is supposed to be 70 today. I am sure I will say it is too warm...lol.

  12. What a beautiful and creative post! One day we will have flowers outside again, love shots of the dew on the petals.

  13. Beautiful, beautiful. :) Winternity - I am stealing that. We have finally crawled out from under the white stuff - there are still a few pockets of it here in the yard but we're gardening anyway. lol Still, we have no flowers and not much color yet so this was a breath of fresh air.

    (And that stuff about kids thinking penguins started it? Ugh. Just ugh. :( )

  14. We can smell spring through your pictures, thanks for sharing!

  15. I love it! Very clever idea, and such beautiful photos. And I love the word "winternity", that is perfect!
    Until we get our own flowers I am going to enjoy yours!

  16. Hey Jackie

    Where are those pretty flowers from, your garden? I feel guilty cos we've had a super mild winter, but my Mum's happy about that!

    I hope you're having a fun day,

    Your pal Snoopy :)

    1. Only the succulents in the last pic are from my yard. The rest are flowers we see on our walks. I have a black thumb, so no more roses for me! (Our last house had 25 rose bushes when we moved in - too much trouble to take care of!)


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