April 8, 2014

Less-Wordy Wednesday: When I Get Home

We have a frosted panel in the door that leads from our garage into the house. So, usually when I get out of the car, this is what I see:
Of course... every once in a while she's still in the bed. (Lazy girl!) But generally she waits for me at the door. 

Where does your pet wait for you when you return?

In Other News...
Thanks to Molly the Wally for "tagging me" to talk about my writing process. I'll try to be quick with my answers since it's Less-Wordy Wed.

1.What am I working on?I don't like to talk too much about my books while they're in process (they always sound dumb...) so I'll just say book #3 is coming along and it will be in the same "Fido-friendly fiction" vein that my first two books were. 

2. How does my work differ from others of its genre?
There are a lot of non-fiction dog books out there, and a handful of mysteries with dogs, but I don't think there are too many other authors focused on dog-moms' stories. I've had some reviews on Amazon say they thought the book would be "more about the dog" - but I like to write about women and the dogs they love. Ultimately these are the stories of women whose lives are changed by their dogs. (Dogs are already primo. They don't need to change. These women do - and that's why these are their stories and not the dogs'.)

3. Why do I write what I do?
Cuz they say "write what you know." Being a dog-mom is what I know. (And because it's fun.)

4. How does your writing process work?
It's a long, slow drawn out process. Let's just say... it ain't always pretty. If anybody wants to chat about writing and publishing, you can always email me - jackiebouchard at hotmail. I love to talk about that stuff!

Thanks again Molly! I'm tagging Donna and the Dogs to pass this on to!

Thanks to BlogPaws for hosting Wordless Wednesday!


  1. A bit of mad jumping over here and a lot of tail wagging goes on when my peeps comes back in. Thank you for continuing the tag and great interview. We know the process is anything but easy. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

    1. Thanks again for tagging me. Guess I should let Donna know she's "it"! :)

  2. My guys wait in the upstairs bedroom that faces out into our court. From there, they can see us coming as we make the turn for home. They don't always race downstairs to greet us, but usually they do.

    1. Cute! My one sister's dog does that too - waits on a 2nd story balcony to see them driving up.

  3. Ahhh... love Rita's photo :-) Jeffie, Rudy and Rosie wait for me just inside the house/garage door. From watching them when the dog daddy comes home, it is a wonder they haven't gotten hurt when the door opens because their snoots are pressed up to the door! Love learning more about your writing and looking forward to #3!

  4. Mom says as soon as we hear her lock the car and the alarm makes a noise she can hear us jumping and barking against the door, it sounds like 20 dogs live there instead of 3.
    stella rose

  5. Haha, that could be a bit creepy, but at least you know there's a happy doggy waiting there for you!
    Pippa :)

    1. Heehee.. yes, "the shadow" can be a little creepy. It's funny how she just sits there like that, even if I have some things to unload and am taking my time in the garage, she'll just stay sitting there.

  6. Love the silhouette of Miss Rita. Reggie waits patiently in his pen for our return. When he spots us he does a little back-legs dance all along the edge of it. We call him "Tiny Dancer."

  7. I love your writing style, and you better hurry up with the next book. LOL

    1. I'm trying! You should see how messy my house is since I've been making writing the top priority!

  8. Kelly and Ike wait right by the front door too. I have a petcam, and I peek in on them sometimes, and that's almost always where they are. Sometimes they're on the couch!
    Great answers about your WIP....I can't wait to read it!

    1. Oh, how fun to have a petcam! (I should have tagged you too! Or have you done this already?)

  9. >Dogs are already primo. They don't need to change.

    That is such a great observation. Dogs are what they are and that is why we love them. People, on the other hand, have the capacity to change into what makes them strong and happy and dogs are a marvelous way for us to learn that.

    1. Thanks for the comment, Jan. It's funny, but I've thought kind of abstractly before about why I can't ever seem to make my books be more "about the dog" and it wasn't until I wrote that last night that I realized WHY. I do think the best stories have to have the main char. go through some kind of change (or the char. arc - whether it's a positive or negative arc), and since dogs don't need to change, there's not much story/conflict there to write about. At least for me anyway. :)

  10. Such a sweet picture! I enjoyed the answers to those questions. It's challenging to put the process into words, that's for sure!

    1. Yeah... and my process is just a bit all over the place. I don't really have set routines like a lot of writers do. (I find strict routines, for me anyway, can turn into an excuse not to write!)

  11. Mr. N always waits by the door. If he didn't, something would be seriously wrong!

    1. Yeah... that's always worrisome when you have a dog like that and they're NOT by the door one day. But Rita LOVES to sleep... so sometimes if I come in quietly, she's snoozin'!

  12. What a great home coming. Phod sits by the front door and runs to the garage door when he sees you pull up the driveway. Happy writing.

  13. I just realized (through the Poodle and Dog Blog's post) that we live in the same area. Good to know! Maybe we could meet up sometime. I'm in Solana Beach.

    1. Wow, that's close! Didn't realize. Yes, that would be fun.

  14. My doggies wait for me by the door too but ours isn't frosted! Love the pic!

    1. So glad it's frosted, or I'd never see how sweetly she sits there and waits for me. :)

  15. Love the silhouette behind the glass in the door!

    1. Always brings a smile to my face when I see it. :)

  16. Absolutely LOVE the photo and I LOVE that there is going to be a "Book #3!!" Oh and NOTHING you could EVER write would be "dumb" Loved, the interview!

  17. Don't you love knowing you've got something so dependable in your life? Vlad & Barkly are always by the treat canister beside the kitchen door of the utility room. You really can't get past them without paying a toll.

    1. Haha! They're smart! Truthfully, where Rita is sitting in that pic is also right outside the pantry door where all her treats are stored. But luckily she loves on us first... then goes back and waits for the "toll." :)

  18. PAWsome silhouette. We have a bay window and Sugar usually sits there ... wow1 book 3 already. Been thinking of Sugar's book 2 (all the words are in my mind :-) ). Happy Wednesday.

    1. Oh, you should definitely get those words down on paper! :)

  19. I really admire you finishing one novel let alone almost 3. So difficult editing- such discipline. Great to write about what you know and love. X Talent Hounds

    1. Thanks! The bummer is that the process doesn't seem to get any easier once you've finished the first one. At least not for me! :)

  20. SO cute! :) I would love coming home to that sweet silhouette every day! My dog normally is just inside the door, dancing on his hind legs :)

    1. Love when they do the Happy Dance when you get home. :)

  21. We have a glass door and it used to always be Kobi sitting at that door waiting for us to get home, and then you'd see the girls trying to crowd him out. Now Luke is kept in that room, and he is at the door (usually jumping) when we get home.
    Writing really does sound like hard work. I am looking forward to your next book....you are right that there are very few out there in that genre and they are very appealing to dog moms.

    1. My next one is very much about a dog mom and her "dog-mom-ness" if that's a word??

      Awww, Kobi. What a sweetie.

    2. We have a bed just inside the door to the patio - I can see Jack in the bed when I pull into the driveway. Sometimes, it's a surprise to see Maggie there.

  22. the kids can't "watch" for us but we here Bailey barking and wooing waiting for us to come through the door. He and Hazel are usually right at the back hallway when we come in. Poor Greta is still crated when we are not home so she has to wait for us to let her out
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

    1. Aw, poor Greta. She must love it when you get her out!

  23. The shadow awaits for mom! Writing is very time consuming, but it so much fun. I can't wait to talk to you in Vegas!

    1. Oh, that would be great... but I'm not going to be in Vegas!

  24. There is much barking when ur peeps get home!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  25. Great picture and very cool interview. G & G are in their cages when I am gone and Nellie is by the door when we come in.

    1. Rita - obviously - has the run of the house while we're gone. Her foster mom said she liked the crate, but she never seemed to be excited to go in it, and she was always a good girl, so we let her roam free.

  26. What a nice sight to have waiting for you when you come home!

  27. As you saw from a recent FB post, Indy is sometimes too exhausted to even look up from her bed to greet me. Even when she was a younger pooch, she wasn't much of a rush-out-to-greet-me pooch. I like that. Makes me feel better about leaving her alone when she just kind of looks up for her bed at me like, "Oh, were you gone? I didn't notice."

  28. I hate to share much about what I'm working on until I'm done either. The wrong comment, even if well-meaning, has a way of killing the creative process for me. :-) And - hey - thanks for tagging me. I'll participate after Easter AND we get our techy stuff fixed on the blog. :-)

    Love how Rita waits for you at the door. Leah does the same...and I love opening the door to see her. :-)

  29. That's a sweet picture. I would smile at being welcomed home by that.

  30. We crate our maniacs so usually they are banging in the door. Love that you see Rita waiting for you.


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