April 16, 2014

Oh, I Could Write a Blog Post About Your Easter Bonnet #TBT

Don't you love old family photos? I mentioned last month that my bro had uploaded a bunch of old pics and I thought I'd share some in honor of "Throwback Thursday" (TBT) and the upcoming Easter holiday. 

With a nod to Irving Berlin and his Easter Parade, here's a sonnet blog post about some Easter bonnets.

First, we have my mom in this fine floral number. If you've got an empty basket, some faux flowers, and a hot glue gun, you too can dazzle with this look!

Or how about my siblings? (I'm 6 years behind everyone else, so this is before my time). Do people still strap paper plates onto their kids' heads and call it Easter?

Oh, the happiness and joy that is Easter-time: 
My dad and 3 oldest sisters
Okay, this isn't Easter-related, but looking at these old photos - like the bawling shot above and the clearly overexposed one below - made me a little sad for those kids growing up today in the world of digital photos, where the bad ones are instantly deleted. Those bad photos are a treasure trove of laughs later on folks! So, think about it before you delete that next horrid shot!

Finally... This isn't a throw-back, but this is the girl I'm taking to the Easter Parade. (Okay, not really... cuz she'd hate that. But this is the girl I'll share some of my Easter-egg-y breakfast with.)

Thanks for stopping by, and thanks to Heart Like a Dog and 2 Brown Dawgs for hosting Barks and Bytes!

Heart Like a Dog


  1. We love looking at old photos and yes it is too easy these days to delete and get rid of a future treasured memory. We are not big on bonnets here across the pond. Have a tremendous Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

    1. Oh, interesting. I thought hats (and bonnets) were popular in the UK.

  2. Love this! Especially the beam me up. You know, I don't trash all my bad digital photos, even the blurry ones, of the dogs :-) And Jeffie is swooning and hoping that Hugh Hefner does not see that beautiful photo of bunny Rita!

  3. Thanks so much for joining the hop! Those old photos are really great. When I was a kid we would always get a new dress, hat, and shoes for Easter. I think I actually had some of those styles of hats. The only problem was that Easter in Michigan it was sometimes freezing or snowing...lol. Forget the cute Spring dress.

    1. Oh brrrrr! Gotta wear some tights and a coat with the cute dress I guess!

  4. The old Easter shots are great. My Mom still has some of us lined up against the garage door before piling in the car to go to church. The outfits are something else. If we'd had digital, they'd be long gone.

  5. Those easter photos are too funny. I'm old enough to remember all that - the hats, the gloves, the new dress, new coat...geez louise. Great photos.

    1. I don't really remember getting an Easter hat myself. The new dress, yes, but don't remember getting a hat. Maybe they went out if fashion by the time I came along.

    2. Not to imply that I'm sooo much younger than you! I assume we are the same age?? Just don't remember doing the hats...

  6. LOL...Old photos are so funny. I always think, did we really dress that way?

  7. Jim is doing that thing with his hands.

  8. Ha! I love all the old photos. The one with your dad and 3 sisters - who are having meltdowns - is hilarious! As are the hat-like fashions.
    Rita looks thrilled with the ears. lol

    1. That meltdown pic is my fave of all the ones my bro out online!

  9. Now that i'm older I love those old photos. Just a reminder of more innocent times. By the way, i got your new novel on my Nook last night and can't wait to read it this weekend!

    1. Oh hooray! Thanks for letting me know! I hope you enjoy it!!

  10. While you are probably right about missing out on all the photo outtakes from the days of yore, I certainly don't miss paying to develop them.... ;-)

    1. And the waiting too! And not knowing if they came out or not!

  11. I have had some of those old photos that were considered mistakes at the time enlarged for special family gifts. They are often framed and treasured.

    1. That's a great idea to enlarge/frame them! They're always the best!

  12. Oh how I loved this post. It was so funny and your commentary was spot on. I have to say though I do miss the formality of Easter. When we were kids it WAS a big deal and we got new outfits and hats for Easter, then went to church. Now it seems so casual, that people rarely dress up for anything anymore.

    Thanks for joining the blog hop, it was a great contribution!

    1. Thank you!

      And, yes, so true - everyone is SO casual now - esp'y here in San Diego. It is very much a flipflops and shorts kinda town!

  13. Since I was born in the UK, I can tell you those folks wear those Easter bonnets almost daily! I know we have some silly pics of my Gramma in those hats! I'm pretty focused on that Easter wabbit myself, no worries Rita, I can see right through your disguise :) Great idea for a post!

    1. I'm glad you saw through Rita's disguise! (Although she does like to be chased!)

  14. LOL. I was just feeling nostalgic the other day, for the days when we used to get all dressed up for Easter and go to church in our bonnets and little dresses. Now I'm thinking, probably not so much!

  15. Cute use of the light leak effect for the beam us up scotty photo :)

  16. haha love the star trek one! Yes I remember the old paper plate trick. Those were the days, when Easter meant new shoes, a little purse, and a fancy dress (often new due to growing taller). Then going home to eat candy for breakfast!

  17. Haha! You're right about the bad photos being the most entertaining years later. I love looking at slides at my grandpa's house. Yep, he has a slide projector. We have some good laughs over some of the old photos.

    I laughed at your paper plate comment! And "Beam us up, Scotty." Haha! So funny.

  18. I love looking at old photos! They're always fascinating.

  19. I love all those pictures, a star trek type picture and old hats! Fantastic

    retro rover


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