December 19, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Presents!

This is our first Christmas with Rita so it will be fun to see how she reacts to everything. We've been spoiling her and letting her open any presents she gets early. She seems to love the gift idea, and tears right in to the paper. (I've never had a dog that didn't instinctively know how to open a wrapped gift. I swear, dog toys must have a specific odor.)
"Let me in there!"

She's pretty excited about this whole gift thing...
"OMD! It's a MONKEY!"
"This is MY monkey. Let go of it!"

But I'm not too sure she'll be thrilled about a strange man with a heavy beard and floppy hat coming in to our house in the middle of the night next week - even if he does leave presents.

Speaking of strangers at the house... the yard renovation work continues. We've had some set backs in the time line because of rain.
At least all the trenches are gone, but it's still tough getting in and out of the yard.
"That first step is a doosey, Momma."

Hopefully the work will all be done soon! Rita wants her yard back.

Happy Slightly-less-wordy Wednesday!


  1. It looks like her eyes are bugging out over that monkey. Indy is getting a realistic looking bear that is crammed into her stocking. Amazingly she has not been poking around it.

  2. Rita sure does look excited to open her presents! I love her eyes in that second pic! LOL!

  3. I spoke too soon. Indy was just barking at her stocking in the little bark she uses when she wants something she can't get at.

  4. Wow, she loves the presents. That's too funny.

  5. Woof! Woof! She going to be an expert on opening gifts. Happy Holidays. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  6. Yay Rita! She's smart already knowing how to open presents. I bet it's exciting and she can't wait to get to the more presents on Christmas!

  7. What a fun time Rita is going to have! I love how she LOVES her monkey!

  8. Aww, the first Christmas is SO much fun! Happy Wordless Wednesday!

  9. Poor Rita! Hope she likes her monkey!

    Christie from

  10. Please share your furry friend with us at Wordless Wednesday Bloggers - . See you there!

  11. I declare my love publically!
    -Rita's monkeyboyfriend.

  12. Rita just swooned and fainted dead away! She's in love!

  13. Ooohh, you lucky dog, you! I hope your yard is finished soon!

    Rita is gorgeous. :)

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
    Marquie, Lassie & Petal

  14. I LOVE having dogs unwrap their own presents, it is so much fun. We even get the cats to unwrap their presents most years.

  15. Lol Jackie, my dog Bender LOVES opening Christmas presents! And he does it so well, its adorable. Your pup is gonna love it too, just be sure to hide the presents until Christmas!

    Check out Bender and his Xmas present:

    1. Heehee. Cute video. He looks SO happy with his present!

  16. Love that big eyed second photo! Our dogs have always loved Christmas and they know (and expect) gifts!

  17. I love the eyes that dogs get when they get a new toy or treat...It is so sweet! Happy Wagging Holidays to all! Santa-paws will be here soon, so let him in and give him a treat!

  18. Yay for Christmas presents Rita - actually Yay for presents any time of the year!! Tee Hee

    Big wags to all,

    Your pal Snoopy :)


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