November 1, 2016

Is There a Dog-Lover Gene?

I think there must be a dog-lover gene. I have no scientific evidence, but I do have photographic evidence!

I give you... me with our pup Bailey* (many moons ago)...
... and my dad with our pup Barney (many, many, many moons ago!).  I came across this picture a little while ago at my sis's house and immediately remembered the pic of me with Bailey sleeping on me.

That's my "proof" that dog-loving is genetic!

* This was actually a color photo, but I thought it would be more fun to compare the two both in B&W. Also, that was a really hideous couch in color. Looks a bit better this way! :)

Were your parents pet-lovers?

Thanks to BlogPaws for hosting Wordless Wednesday! Stop by their site to check out all of the other blogs in the hop.


  1. Replies
    1. I need to mess with the one of my dad and see if I can darken it up a bit. Would love to print and frame them side-by-side.

  2. If there is, my mom is alone in her family. There is only one other dog in the family and they are not real dog loving. Such cute photo memories you have.

    1. My siblings all have pets (4 have dogs and 1 has a cat). My family had a cat before I came along, but I don't really know if my parents had pets as kids.... If they did it was of the "farm dog" and "barn cat" variety.

  3. I'm not so sure there is a gene, but if your parents love animals, you are usually lucky enough to have lots of pets, and learn how great they are!

    I have always felt sorry for the kids who grow up w/o pets. They turn into adults without pets. They miss one of the best things in life!

    1. For sure missing one of the best things in life if you don't know the love/joy of having a furry family member!

  4. Cute photos. We had a cat when I was little, then nothing after that. When I was an adult, I got a cat or two, then of course dogs.

    1. My hubs had never had a dog until I convinced him we needed to get Bailey. His bother has some cats, but the rest of his immediate family never had pets. I think it's great to have pets as a kid.

  5. Two of my siblings & I were huge animal lovers in general. My Dad loved cats but my Mom only liked birds. They were real city kids, maybe that's why?
    Love & biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

    1. Hmm. I wonder? Cuz my parents were farm kids. As I said in another comment, I'm not sure if they had pets other than a "farm dog" or a "barn cat" when they were kids. Anyway, I think it's great to have pets as a kid. Lots of good lessons - not to mention all the JOY!

  6. My dad brought my first dog to me when I was 3 years old. I definitely think it is a genetic thing because we both have always had dogs in our lives and have been attracted to other dog people.

    1. Yes, we are always attracted to other dog people too. Maybe we give off some pheromones. :)

  7. After growing up with dogs, my son just barely got his first dog as an adult two years ago at the age of 40. It was supposed to be his wife's dog - but Willow is definately his dog! The dog lover genes kicked in.
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & mabel

    1. Awww, that's sweet. Glad those genes kicked in! He'll see what he's been missing!

  8. Wonderful photos, We definitely think there is a gene! Smiles, Barks and Wagging Tails Denise & ~ Shasta

  9. I grew up with dogs and so thankful for that. These pictures are great!

  10. Yes, both sides of my family are/were animal lovers. My grandparents raised horses, and always had a bunch of dogs. On my dad's side, his family had a cat when he was a kid, and everyone in the family had dogs in adulthood! We were one of the few multi-pet families in our neighborhood, back in the '60s, in the Boston suburbs (i.e., not anywhere near a farm!). My brothers and I all have multiple pets, today!

    1. The pet-lover gene is strong in your family! We were briefly multi-pet - we had a bird at one time too, but one day he got out of his cage and just flew away! :(

  11. Isn't that the sweetest? You should frame those side by side. I know I would!

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

    1. I know - I need to do that! Need to try to darken up the one of my dad and Barney.

  12. My real father was a dog lover although I didn't know him very well. (Bad divorce and mom got the kids) I did visit his grave as an adult and he has dogs on his headstone!

    1. Oh, I want dogs on my headstone! (Except I don't plan to have one... But if I did ... then dogs!!)

  13. Awesome pics and I think you are right, there must be a dog-lover gene!

  14. That is so special!! It's definitely in your genes. We never had dogs growing up, and we only had cats because two strays wandered into our yard and we begged our parents to let us keep them. I think it might have been one time my Mom got her way with my Dad. I think it might have been in her genes, but definitely not my Dad's. I didn't love dogs until many years later when my hubby converted me. I like to think my Mom was glad he did. :)

    1. Oh, that's interesting that your hubby converted you! It's the ONE thing where we are opposites - I converted my hubby!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I say no. Im theonly dog and cat lover in my entire family most actively dislike them, particularly my mom Its one reason we arent at all close I have no siblings but my aunts and uncles are like my mom

  16. Photographic evidence of days gone by is such a gift. I rather do think a love of animals is at nature, part nurture. Either way, we win with these connections!! ღ

  17. Those photos are wonderful. Genes or environment, both you and your animals are lucky to have each other.

  18. hello pooch smooches its dennis the vizsla dog hay hmm i think that their probly is sutch a jeen!!! and i think my dada has it in spayds!!! he wood rather meet dogs then peepul enny day of the week!!! ok bye

  19. Jackie, I reviewed Rescue Me, Maybe, the disc version on my blog today.


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