July 22, 2014

Wordless Wednesday: Underdog!

At our house, we watch a lot of sports, and we usually like to cheer for the underdog. (Of course, with the San Diego Padres and Chargers, you're always rooting for the underdog, even when you're just rooting for the home team.)

There are other types of underdogs we like, too, though, like corgis!

They fit so easily under things! Here's Reg, who insisted on sitting under my legs when he came over for a play-date. 

When we used to dog-sit Reg's angel brother, Lou, he would sometimes stand under our bathroom cabinets.
I think he was just avoiding our crazy Abby...
Now Rita has realized we like underdogs and is working on being one too.

She's started sitting under my legs when I sit on the sofa with my feet up on the coffee table. 

Of course, I love it, cuz I think it's so sweet! And sometimes I even get a little kiss or two!
(Obviously it's more important to me to get the kiss than a good photo, since I had to shoot this left-handed. It's terribly blurry, but you get the idea...)

Of course, my love of underdogs started early in life.... Dating myself, but I used to love to watch Underdog, and his gal, Sweet Polly Purebred, on TV!

How about you? Do you like to cheer for the underdog? Is your dog an underdog?

Don't forget...
Wednesday at midnight is the last chance to enter my giveaway for 2 adorable kids' books. Just go leave a comment on this post here to enter! I'll announce the winner on Friday.

Happy Wordless Wednesday! Thanks to BlogPaws for hosting!


  1. Bentley and Pierre are both snuggle buddies. They want to be on top of us or as close as possible to our legs. Kisses are much better than perfect pictures! ♥

  2. She likes to sleep under our bulter's pantry table. Also, she likes to hide her head underneath the bed :-) Woofs to Rita. Happy BlogPaws WW. Golden Woofs

  3. Sweet pics. When I was dogsitting my "niece" Miso last year (a 65+-lb Old English Sheepdog), she always tried to sit under my legs too :)

  4. We so do that when peeps watches TV. Under the coffee table on top of her feet is my fav way to have a snooze. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. Well, we have a few underfoot dogs! Does that count?

  6. We love underdogs! My 3 may be large, but they still like to be under something and close to mama. Especially Rosie. She loves to lay with her head, and as much body as possible, under my kitchen chair. I have to be very careful when I move or get up!

  7. Oh ya, I remember Underdog too. Roxy is so little, she is always the underdog.

  8. My lab Cookie was an underdoggie, always underfoot or under the food table. Happy WW best Susie at Talent Hounds

  9. Hmmm, I must not be an underdog because I don't go under much. I do sit under daddy-s legs every once in a blue moon...for butt scritchies, of course. Happy WW!

  10. I ask my poodle to sit like that and he's not into it. Nothing on top of him thank you very much. wah. I watched underdog too, oh the days of Saturday morning cartoons. LeeAnna and Cole lapaylor.blogspot.com

  11. Reggie is the cutest underdog ever. We're into overdogs here. Chewy is a little goat and climbs up on shoulders and backs of chairs.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Mom calls us her "under the feet" dogs and she is waiting for anymore to hit her head on the table when she eventually trips over us. We love to see that little corgi.
    stella rose

  14. Of course mine are underdogs!

  15. I guess we can add Goldendoodles to the underdog list - Harley is a true cuddle bug!

  16. Boomer and Dottie like to sleep under our feet too... I love it!

  17. We are 49ers fans so, yeah we had what felt like a century of rebuilding before we finally got back into the playoffs. It wasn't easy or fun to be the underdog after so many years of dominating our division, but when the former underdog emerges, that's what sports is all about. It's a Rocky moment.

  18. Greta was an underdog when we were camping. for some reason she liked it under my camp chair!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

  19. I usually pick the home team to root for, or the one closest to my home.

  20. Awe! They are so cute!! Yep! Always root for the underdog! :D

  21. Living in MN all of our teams are underdogs that always lose too. I'm not much of an underdog myself, though.

  22. I'm not a big sports person but Mr. N is definitely an underdog. Or underfoot.

  23. Love the fluffy butt in the first picture!

  24. What a fun post with all your underdog photographs.

  25. Those are a couple of cute underdogs, my dogs are under my feet dogs, always where I want to step.

  26. wow your an underdog pro

    retro rover

  27. Hahaha, Rita is going to be a tremendous underdog!
    Speaking of sports, we're finding it very hard when watching the commonwealth games, because the people who were in team GB in the olympics are now in separate teams, and we have to keep reminding ourselves to cheer for Scotland!
    Pippa :)))

  28. Haha! Rita even looks like the underdog!! I am the undercat in this house. Under feet mostly!! MOL

  29. I also loved Underdog, it was one of my favorite cartoons! Didn't they do a movie more recently too, with real animals, and a beagle played Underdog?

  30. hello pooch smooches its dennis the vizsla dog hay heer i come to sayve the dayyyyyyy!!! ha ha ha ha wot??? oh dada sez that is mighty mowse not underdog ummmm wayt oh i hav got it is hong kong phooey number wun sooper guy rite???? oh dada sez that is a dog but it is not underdog wel i am gitting kloser ennyway!!! hang on let me go watch sum tvland and i wil come bak layter with the korrekt underdog catch fraze!!! ok bye

  31. LOL that is cute. Mine only try that when they are nerved up about something like fireworks or a storm. Well, except Storm who is most independent.


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