October 24, 2017

A Brave, Brave Doggy

Rita had a lot of fears when she first came to us. For instance, every time I would get out the broom, she'd run and hide. (Of course, I almost never get the broom out anymore, thanks to our Roomba, Carson. BTW, if I do say so myself, the Carson post is pretty cute so you should check it out if you missed it...) Anyway, she's come a long way! She's not even afraid of all the scary creatures that have recently appeared in our 'hood.

I thought I'd share my "A dog & some decor" posts that I've been doing on Instagram as proof.

“I ain’t ‘fraid of no ghost-dogs! Much.”

Literally smelling his feet. #trickortreat #bravegirl

Along came a spider, but Rita just eyed her. #shessobrave!

Doesn’t whine, even when I make her sit in front of Frankenstein! (Or is it: Thinks I’m mean cuz I made her sit by Frahnkensteen”??) #youngfrankenstein [Editorial note: We just re-watched Young Frankenstein this weekend. Love that movie!]

Rita mulls these skulls, looking for skeletons roaming about minus their “melons”.

On our walk along the coast, we stopped at this house playing host to these ghosts. And now I can post this pic and boast about Rita not being afraid of said ghosts 👻#yawn#shessobrave!

Finallly... I've got this photo that I'd like to post on IG, but I haven't come up with a caption yet. Any ideas??

So, can you come up with a caption for this bone-sniffing "graveyard" pic??

Happy Howloween! Stay safe!! Be brave!

Thanks to BlogPaws for hosting Wordless Wednesday! Stop by their site to check out all of the other blogs in the hop.


  1. Halloween can be scary with all the weird stuff humans put out, but we get used to it. Good for Rita!

    1. Rita agrees that humans can definitely be weird sometimes.

  2. She is very brave, could for you! I'm no good at captions, so no help here.

  3. How about, Rita's not shakin' wondering if this bone's taken.

    1. Good one. I’ve been trying to come up with something with “femur” but maybe I’ll use yours!

  4. "smells like chicken"

    haha I love all the pictures, I will be following you on IG right after I post this comment!

    1. Haha. Good one. Thanks for the follow! Followed you back!

  5. I love when a fearful rescue dog gains confidence and loses her fear of new experiences. Good Rita, good Jackie.

    1. It is very rewarding to see her get so much braver!

  6. Yay Rita for being so brave!
    Hazel & Mabel

  7. This smells a little suspicious, I don't think I should leave this bone alone!

  8. Rita you are so brave!!! I'm too chicken to sit next to any of those things for a photo! I would be barking at those flying ghosts for sure!

    1. I’m really pleased with how brave she’s gotten!

  9. I love all the Halloween decorations and it's awesome that Rita is enjoying them as well. Booker T has just become cautious (don't know if fearful is the word) of a wolf head shelf I hung last weekend. He growls at it from time to time. And those blow up dogs are the best.

    The best I could come up with is "Digging up graveyard bones for the long trip home."

    1. That's funny about the wolf head. Rita can be like that too. She usually barks at things that are "new" or "out of place" so I find it interesting that she doesn't bark at all these decorations. (She did jump the other day when one had one of those motion sensors and "cackled" at us, but other than that, she's been very brave!)

      I like your caption!

  10. Nice job with your pics and captions. So far the little Ninja hasn't seemed bothered by Halloween decor though I note she nearly lost her mind at the empty bag of chips on the school grounds yesterday. She tried to attack it and growled very bravely to send it in the wind via a different direction.

    Caption: "Bones for me...you shouldn't have, but I'm kind of glad you did. Nom, nom, nom."

    1. That's funny about the little Ninja and the chip bag. Flying bags can be very scary! (Now, a bag FULL of chips would I'm sure be another matter...)

  11. "I'll sniff these bones, as long as I don't hear any moans...from that grave!"
    Great job being so brave, Rita!! Some of those things would even scare me...except those ghost dogs, those are just cute!

    1. Oh, that's a good one! And then maybe I'd add on "i can only be SO brave!" to rhyme with grave.

  12. Rita is like Harley - brave this time of year. Jaxson? Not so much. He'd rather look at it from afar - like from across the street.

    1. I’m kinda shocked how brave she is - especially with that BIG Frankenstein!

  13. I love this post! Rita looks so adorable as she checks out the Halloween scaries. Too fun. Hope she gets a lot of treats this year.

    1. She’s hoping for lots of treats too! (She gets one every time she poses for me, which is probably why she’s so willing!)

  14. Rita got to visit some spooky sites! Looks like she wasn't worried a bit, but was having fun. Maybe she's wondering if that bone came from an extra large chicken. Tee hee hee. -Valentine (& Mom) of Noir Kitty Mews

    1. Haha. Yes, she might be picturing the giant chicken it came from... and getting hungry.

  15. That's why I don't walk B in the neighborhood. Well, one of the many reasons. ;) She's suspicious of rock cairns. I can't imagine what she'd think if she ran into a ghostie!

    "This bone in the graveyard sure is creepy, BUT I think I smell some dog peepee!"

    I dunno... :\

    1. Haha. Good one! I think I’m going to use a few of these... :)

      It’s good you have all that open space where you can walk her.

  16. These are great! Don't think my brain is up to the task of a caption though.

  17. I like the skeleton coming out of the ground. Sorry, no ideas for a caption - that is not one of my skills.

  18. hello rita its dennis the vizsla dog oh hay wow yoo liv rite smak dab in the middel of howloween town i think!!! i do not no how yoo kope with it so wel!!! ok bye

  19. You are a brave girl indeed. Very spooky places you did great


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