August 8, 2017

Don't Forget: "Remember Me Thursday" Is Coming Soon!

It's almost time again for Remember Me Thursday, taking place this year on September 28. Mark your calendars!
My new Remember Me Thursday T-shirt
Remember Me Thursday® is a global awareness campaign whereby individuals and pet adoption organizations worldwide will become an "integrated voice for orphan pets to live in forever homes, not die waiting for them."

The campaign was started by Helen Woodward Animal Center, where I've been volunteering pretty much every Monday for the last 10+ years. While I was there this past Monday, I picked up a blogger kit to help raise awareness of the event. And Rita helped me open it. (Of course!)

She even stood in the box. Guess she wanted to let me know some of this stuff is hers! (And now there's already dog hair on my new T-shirt.)

The box included some signs I'll be using to help promote the event on social media,

a "candle" to light for homeless pets on 9/28,

and a T-shirt for me (above), and a bandana for Rita!
She looks so cute in it!

Here's how you can participate:
  1. Share info about the upcoming event with your followers
  2. Enter the #RememberTheRescue photo contest to win cash and prizes for your favorite shelter! The contest runs September 1 - 30. I'll share more details when the contest is up and running, but for now you can check out last year's winners here.
  3. Remember to light up social media on 9/28 and spread the word about pet adoption! (Use hashtags #RememberMeThursday or #RememberTheRescue)
  4. Also on 9/28, light a candle - real or virtual - for homeless pets.
Hope you'll take part!

Thanks to BlogPaws for hosting Wordless Wednesday! Stop by their site to check out all of the other blogs in the hop.


  1. This is pretty awesome. Thanks for the info. I'm definitely gonna look more up on it, and follow the hashtag!

  2. I have never heard of this. What an awesome idea! By the way, Rita looks a lot like my sister's dog. She is a rescue, too.

    1. Great - glad to spread the word to new folks!

      That's funny that your sister's dog looks like Rita. I've run into several dogs - both online and IRL - that look like her. She's from Mexico, and I've heard there are lots of dogs from there that look like her.

  3. Sounds like a wonderful way to keep those poor furry ones in mind. As for the fur on your shirt, clothes are nothing without some fur for decoration!

  4. Life wouldn't be complete without dog hair!

  5. This is a great cause. I'm definitely going to check it out and maybe even add a post to my blog about it. Thanks for making me and the pups aware!

    1. Oh, that would be awesome if you also blogged about it!

  6. What a great event. Getting the word out certainly helps all the shelter animals.

    1. There are SO many, it's definitely important to get the word out!

  7. Rita's serious face got my attention. Thanks for the information on this important event. Now if we can just remember to look at our calendar...

  8. This is an important event! Thanks for reminding us!
    Hazel & Mabel

  9. We'll be there, with candles lit! We'll be promoting ahead of time too...I can't wait to take some photos of me and Luke in our "gear"!

  10. Ha!! So THAT'S what is in my box!! BOL!! I didn't open mine yet! OOOPS!!!!! Will open it later or tomorrow. We have participated the past few years and will definitely participate again this year! (But on Cody's blog!) DakotasDen

    1. Wow, you can get boxes and not immediately open them?? Rita loves to "help".

  11. I got my kit in the mail this week, too! I signed up for it at BlogPaws... I had no idea you have been volunteering at Helen Woodward, and for 10 years!!? Wow!!!!!!

    1. Oh, that's cool - didn't realize they were at BP. Yeah... actually I think it's 11+ years now!

  12. A fantastic cause. Rita looks great in her bandana.

  13. I have never heard of this before. Thanks for telling us about it!
    Love that last pic of Rita.

  14. That's a nice blogger kit! I'd like to join the photo contest and blog about the event once the contest starts. Thank you for publicizing it! Rita is super cute in that bandana :)

    1. That would be great if you joint the contest and also blog about it!

  15. Thanks so much for the reminder! Just put it on my calendar. Great photos of Miss Rita :-)

  16. Love this idea! I hope we can participate since rescue is a something we are passionate about. Kudos to you for your advocacy.😍

    1. That would be great if you guys can join in. We are passionate about rescue to!

  17. What a pawsome concept! I will definitely share!

    1. Awesome! Good to get the word out as much as possible!

  18. hello pooch smooches its dennis the vizsla dog hay sorry wunse rita got her furs and scent on that stuf it bekaym hers not yores!!! but maybe she wil stil let yoo ware it!!! and as a formerly homeless animal thank yoo for helping us homeless animals become ummm homeful animals i gess it wood be!!! ok bye

  19. OMG I got so excited to see this. I got my kit last week, (met them at BlogPaws) and was planning on writing about this on Thursday! I love causes that spotlight rescue!

  20. Rock on, Jackie! Always working for the puppies! LOVE YOU!


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