April 5, 2016

A Doggy and a Foggy Beach

Certain beaches here in San Diego let you bring your leashed dog in the morning or early evening. Because we are lazy (that includes Rita!) we often don't get up early enough to get to the beach and still have plenty of time for a good walk, but today we managed to get up and at 'em early.

It was really foggy today so I thought about skipping it, but we went for it.
We went for a run/walk and the fog kept us nice and cool!
If you bigify this, you'll see there are in fact a bunch of surfers out there.

For some added exercise, we ran and down up some of the many staircases.

Of course we had to stop for a photo opp with the lifeguard tower!

Before leaving the beach, Rita went to cool off in this puddle...

... but a wave came, so she had to beat feet outta there! (Girl loves to dunk. HATES the waves!)

And of course somebody was ready for her post-run treat once we got back to the car!
"Hit me, Momma! I earned that treat!"

A good time was had by all.

Thanks to BlogPaws for hosting Wordless Wednesday! You can check out all the blogs in the hop here.


  1. Sounds wonderful, fog and all! I could go for a beach day! We are have a cold snap. It is 25 degrees as I type this.... at 5:45 AM!

  2. We used to love early morning walks and runs on the beach in Germany, but the fog was dangerous as it came in fast and thick. Mom got lost in it once, which was scary. The last shoe/paw shot is so sweet.

    1. Oh, that would be scary!

      That last pic is my fave too!

  3. I was stationed in San Diego (Coronado, to be exact) a long time back. I remember the fog was crazy there. It would just show up, silently and unexpected. We'd be playing softball one minute and the next you couldn't see the outfield. Reminds me of the Carl Sandburg poem:

    The fog comes
    on little cat feet.

    It sits looking
    over harbor and city
    on silent haunches
    and then moves on.

    Mr. Sandburg must have visited San Diego!

    1. Didn't realize you used to live here! Love that poem!

  4. How amazing to live close to the beach! I love that picture of Rita running from the wave! The look on her face is adorable.

  5. Great action shot of Rita running from the waves! Say hi to San Diego for me, I kind of wish I'd never left.

    1. San Diego says Hi back! It's a tough place to leave. I left for 10 years, and was happy to come back!

  6. LOL Rita has to beat it out of there quick so as not to be drenched!

    1. She's funny - loves to get her feet/tummy wet, but that's it!!

  7. Sounds like you had a blast and Rita looks so happy to be there. Love the last pic with the foot and paw - classic! Tell Rita Booker T sends paw waves from WV (where he may NEVER see a beach).

    1. Rita sends nose-pokes back! and wishes that some day Booker T will get to see a beach!

  8. Lol I love that shot of her running. That would be Torrey 100%.

    1. They could have a good time running from the waves together!

  9. Our trips to the ocean are always/too often spoiled by dead things being washed ashore and dogs who love to roll in them.

  10. That looks like so much fun. Water loving Rudy is jealous, I think :-)

    1. Oh, Rita would love to take Rudy down to the beach!

  11. That is so cool to be able to go and run off leash on the beach!! Love the foot picture!!

    1. This beach is ON leash. There are a couple of off leash beaches here, but we don't go to those since Rita doesn't like big groups of dogs. She does best when everyone's on leash.

  12. Hi Jackie. You are so lucky to live close enough to the beach to go walking there with Rita. I lived in Laguna Beach for four years and I really miss it. Right now I am living in the San Francisco east bay area but I really want to move back to Orange County and live near the ocean again.

    1. San Francisco is definitely nice too, but I really love living by the beach! I really missed it in the years we lived away from it.

  13. You would make a great life guard!!! :)

    1. She is always guarding the momma, that's for sure! (Althouugh if I was drowning, she'd probably let me....)

  14. Rita is too cute! That looks like a fun day!

    1. We had a lot of fun. We definitely need to do it again!

  15. You guys got quite a workout with the beach walk and steps too! Rita's "post run, treat face" cracked me up, haha!

  16. Can't wait to find some foggy beaches soon when we're in Hawaii. Heck, who am I kidding, I'm happy to find beaches period! So what kind of treat did Rita get?
    Land-locked in Colorado ღ

    1. Mmm. Hawaii. We're going there soonish too! Hoping for sunny beaches there!

  17. Replies
    1. I love that one too. I might have to print that one.

  18. Replies
    1. It is lovely! I just wish they'd let us on the beach with pups a little later too!

  19. Haha. Yes, foggy beaches are better than froggy!

  20. looks like a great morning. Love the wave crashing photo.

    1. My phone's not usually great at action shots, so I'm glad i captured her flight to dry land!

  21. We have plenty of beaches here, but not quite like yours! We get a lot of mist! Gets a bit spooky!!

    1. Sometimes the fog/mist here can get pretty spooky too - especially when it rolls in fast and thick!

  22. Oh, looks like so much fun! P.S. Love the paw and foot pic. So cool. Cheers and have a great weekend (woof-woof to Rita).

    1. I was thinking I might try to do a painting of that photo since I really love it too.

  23. Most of the beaches here, dogs can run off-leash! We haven't gone yet this year and I want to so badly.

    1. You guys have awesome beaches up there! We let Rita run loose on some of them when we were there a year or so ago. And we had the beach practically to ourselves! Of course, it was during the day on a weekday, since we were on vaca, but still... even if you went to the beach here on a weekday there are always a lot of people. It would be chaos if all the beaches here were off leash at all times.

  24. Oh, what fun! I just love those last two photos! I would love to get out on the beach early in the morning with the dogs. Unfortunately, we're not close enough to do so.

    1. It's a treat for us to go. We live close - but we just don't get up early enough most days! We need to take advantage of it more often!

  25. You haven't even reached June gloom.... our temps have hit the 90's and we are not there either so the weather is definitely acting weird. ;-) Regardless, what fun with GREAT photos! I love them all Rita being chased by a wave, in the lifeguard tower and really like the paw/foot pic!

  26. What a fun day at the beach! Rita running from the incoming tide is cute.

  27. hello rita its dennis the vizsla dog hay yoo ar verry brayv to go to the beetch in the fog!!! hoo nos wot mite be lurking owt their the terribul cthulhu cud be just off shore!!! wel probly not but yoo never no it cud happen!!! ok bye

  28. I would be up every morning at the crack of dawn. Wait, what? I do that anyway!! But I do love to walk on the beach, it is very Zen for me.


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