October 13, 2015

Me at Parties. Yes, I'm *That* Person

This weekend we had a party for my mom's 90th (!) birthday. Her kids (all 6 of us!), most of her grandkids (only 1 was missing), and one great-grandkid were there. Also two sets of neighbors that we lived by for years when I was growing up were there.

And do you want to see the only pics I took? There's this one of my "great-nephew", Frank, gettin' some lovin' from the hubs:

And this one of Frank chillin':

Yep, I'm that person. Have you seen that e-card going around Facebook - "At parties, I'm usually the one hanging out with the dog"? Well, I did actually talk to other humans (so fun to see our old neighbors!), but yeah... at parties I'm the one who only takes pictures of the dogs.

Is that weird?

It's just that (a) I'm shy about interrupting people or ordering them around so I can take pics. ("You three - get together so I can take your picture!" Um, no.) and (b) I know my sis will take pics and she's better at it than me anyway.

Okay, so here's a pic she took of my mom surrounded by grandchildren (and their significant others), one great-grandchild, and one grand-dog.

In Other News...
I wanted to say a big thank you to Sue from Talking Dogs Blog for her lovely review of House Trained!! Thanks, Sue!!

And stop by Jodi's Heart Like a Dog for her review Thursday. (Spoiler alert - pretty sure she's going to say she liked it!)

So, how about you? Do you take pics of the humans or the dogs at parties? Or both? Or none of the above?

Happy Wordless Wednesday! Thanks to BlogPaws for hosting! You can check out all the blogs in the hop here.


  1. My mom is the shy one too. We were at camp with people we know and their dogs all weekend, but she only took photos of us dogs. None of the people. Too shy to ask.

    1. Glad I'm not the only one! At least at a family party I know my sis will get the job done!

  2. I'm always asked to take photos at family gatherings. I don't like ordering people around either. Give me a dog any day! :)

  3. Love the pics and while I am not specifically shy, I would just rather hang out with dogs. You always manage to get some great shots!

    1. I dunno. I'm not great at taking pics with my phone unless there's good light. My sis always manages to get good pics!

  4. There are dogs at the party?! I'm with them :-) Fantastic that all of you could be there and love that group shot. You're very welcome for the review. I'll be sharing your book on social media next week after it comes out.

    1. It's always a good party if dogs are there! Reg was there too, but I have a MILLION pics of him!

      Thanks in advance for sharing next week! :)

  5. Ha! I try to avoid parties altogether!

    1. lol. Yes, we usually do too! But it's hard to get out of your mom's 90th. :)

  6. I'm totally camera-phobic so I avoid the whole question of taking pictures. My dogs hide at the first sign of a camera.

    1. Rita hates the camera too! Looks away every time I point it at her!

  7. Damn but your mom looks good for 90!! Personally, I'd rather be with the dog too. It's just how I roll. LOL

    So about that book review...yeah...I'm having a hard time because really what I want to say is Read the Freaking Book, it's Awesome! But that's not really a review or a blog post. ;-) And thanks for the shout out.

    1. Doesn't she look great? Doesn't even have white hair - and she doesn't dye it either! Hoping I have those genes.

      "Read the Freaking Book, it's Awesome" works for me! And then the post is done and you can get back to work on your own book! :)

    2. THAT's amazing that she doesn't dye her hair. I'm so jelly.

  8. I would rather hang with the dogs. And they are easier to photograph I think.

    1. They ARE easier to photograph. And they never say "I look terrible! Don't post that!""

  9. We don't usually attend parties unless it is a family gathering. I would always rather spend time with dogs. LOL!

    1. Yeah, we are the same - we don't go to parties usually except for family gatherings. And there's almost always at least one dog at those!

  10. That looked like a wonderful party, mom would have been wif the dogs also. stella rose

    1. It was a very nice party! But so disgustingly hot! I wanted to lay in the grass like Frank!

  11. I usually enjoy taking photos of both the dogs and the people. I certainly have an alarming number of dog photos on my phone LOL. Yay about the book reviews- will check them out.

    1. Yeah, my phone is pretty heavy on the dog pics! :)

  12. First, a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your mom! She looks wonderful at 90! I used to take a lot of pictures at parties and gatherings but now I enjoy the moment more than thinking about pictures. And yes, the dogs that are present probably get more attention than anybody else, haha!

    1. Thanks! My mom really had a great time at the party. She's doing pretty good at 90, beyond just being really pooped!

  13. I used to take a lot more pictures of everyone, but like you, now I hate to ask. So I also mostly stick to taking photos of the dogs, and leave the human photos to my sister as well! As long as someone does it, that's all that matters, I think! Very nice family photo!

    1. Of course you leave the photo taking to your sister. Cuz we are twins!

  14. Yep Mom would rather hang with the dogs than the people
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  15. Aw, Frank is a born model. I'd have a hard time resisting his charms, too!

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

    1. He's definitely hard to resist! Such a mellow sweetheart!

  16. I can't remember the last time I went to a party...but I do usually try to take photos during family gatherings. The only problem with that is I am never in any of the pictures which kind of makes me sad because I don't get to see them often and have no record of ever being there.

    1. Awww. Someone should get you in the pictures! I'll have to get my sis in them next time we have a party. (Although, I know she's not crazy about having her picture taken!)

  17. I love to take pictures of others, prefer not to have my photo taken. I too like taking photos of dogs - but I'm cool with human models too! Your mom looks great! What a blessing...

    1. Yeah... I think that's partially my sis's motivation too - she doesn't want to be IN the picture! :)

  18. LOL, I love it!! If I am around people and there are dogs, I go right to the dogs!!

  19. Lol, yes, sittting in a corner with a dog is ideal.

    Frank does look a little like Rita, doesn't he!? We noticed that right away when they got him.

  20. And the dogs don't worry about looking fat or old... LeeAnna

    1. gosh, yes. I wish I could 'be more dog" on that one!

  21. Happy Birthday mom 90 that is great! I would be hanging out with the animals too.

    1. Sounds like there are a lot of us who'd hang out with the animals!

  22. Oh my gosh! I am that person too! BOL!

    Monty and Harlow

    (...and happy 90th to your Mom!)

  23. I'm always the one hanging out with the dogs and taking their photos too!!! Like you, I'm shy about taking photos of people. I feel like I should ask their permission first, and then the moment that I wanted to capture has passed. So, I take photos of the dogs who always give me permission super fast :)

    1. I'm picturing us all at a party clustered around the one or two dogs there! :)

  24. I'll take photos of both, but it's more fun to take photos of the animals.

  25. Happy birthday to your Mom. I bet she loved her party!


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