September 14, 2014

Monday Mischief: You Mean... She's Not Mexican?

So, the mischief this time around was all on my part... I teased with you Rita's Wisdom Panel DNA test results last week and made you wait until today to find out what she is.
"Can you guess what breeds are in me?"
I mentioned that we had guessed a combo of GSD/beagle/terrier. Well, two outta three ain't bad.

But for her 2 main breeds, we were wrong! And it's a good thing, actually, that we (and the shelter she came from) didn't know what she really was.

See... the whole reason we even have Rita is because we searched "beagle" on PetFinder, and her sweet little picture was there on the first page of results, listed as a beagle/shepherd mix.

She looked so much like a blend of our angel beagle and our angel shepherdy-mix-mutt that we had to have her.

Well, come to find out she's not part beagle! (Which means, she's not a sheagle!) If the rescue group had known what she really was, then we never would have found her listed as a beagle!
Oops... Do not behold the sheagle...
And, although she was rescued from Baja, she's not even Mexican! But she is still Spanish*... (which is good since we've been known to speak Spanish to her).
Okay, I've kept you in suspense long enough! The two main breeds in Rita - which no one guessed right - are: German Shepherd (that was an easy one!) and Australian Shepherd! So, she's actually a Gerstralian shepherd (gotta get used to that one...). 
Click to Big-ify
Nobody saw that bit of Ausie in there... but now it kinda makes sense, doesn't it?? It definitely explains her general size and shape, and also the speckles on her legs.
Rita and her Aussie shepherd-esque speckled legs
(BTW... if you're interested, Wisdom Panel has an interesting video here that talks about how a dog's genes determine what they look like.)

As for her mixed breed ancestors, the report lists 5 breeds, by order of probability, that could be in her:
In order: Bedlington, Leonberger (!?), Irish Wolfhound, Akita, White Swiss Shepherd

Now, we had guessed terrier, but a Bedlington was a surprise! She sure doesn't look like a Bedlington, but it does explain her speed in going after little critters (Bedlingtons were bred to kill vermin), and she's got a mean head-shake when she plays tug with her toys.

The rest of the breeds were pretty surprising, but as the report notes, this doesn't mean they're all in there. Still... I always wanted an Irish wolf hound, and now maybe we have a little bit of one!

The one thing I find funny is that no sign of a scent hound came up. But I'm sure there's some in there (as evidenced again today on our walk, when she sniffed out the trail of something and tried to get me to take off running with her after it!). Maybe there just wasn't enough in there to show up, but she got that sniffer from somewhere.

In Other Wee Book News...
My USA Today bestselling novel, Rescue Me, Maybe, turned one! To celebrate, I'm doing a quick little ebook giveaway (open to anyone) on my Facebook author page. You just have to like my author page (if you haven't already), and leave a comment on my most recent post there. I'll pick the winner via on Monday night at midnight EST.

*Did you know Australian shepherds are from Spain originally? I did not until I started reading up on them. Who knew?

Thanks to Snoopy’s Dog Blog, Alfie’s Blog, and My Brown Newfies for hosting Monday Mischief!


  1. What an interesting combination of results! So glad that Rita and you found each other no matter her relatives.

    Wags (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats.

  2. Hi Y'all!

    That was really interesting. So glad, for Rita's sake, the rescue "guessed" wrong on her mix.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

    1. So true! If they'd guessed right, we wouldn't have her with us!

  3. I'm glad the mystery has been revealed! If she's got Shepherd in her, no wonder she uses her nose!

    1. Ya know, I was so certain she was a "scent hound" I never thought about the fact that GSD's use their noses! I also read that Bedlington's can be used for tracking (again, who knew?) so I guess she gets her nose from both of them.

  4. That is interesting. Never knew Aussie shepherds were originally from Spain. Wow that is some mix. Never suspected Bedlington. How fascinating. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

    1. Yeah, we immediately started saying "G'day Mate" to her - and then I looked it up and learned Aussies are from Spain! So we went back to "Hola". :)

  5. Replies
    1. Yes, very cool! I just have to get used to calling her "Gerstralian." Or "Ausman." :)

  6. that was very cool!!!! We love rita no matter what.
    stella rose

  7. Well Aussies are awesome. That might be the high scent part you see. Torrey has a nose like you wouldn't believe.

    1. Oh, that's interesting. I didn't know Aussie's had good noses on them! I've known many awesome Aussies (including Torrey!), and now we have one too!

  8. Very neat, I have always wanted to do that with our Dylan and find out what he is.

    1. I had always wanted to do it too and finally went for it! It was very fun to get the report and read what's in her.

  9. I would love to do this with Kilo. He has something mixed in there with a pug.

  10. I'd be interested to see what they come up with for Mr. N as we were told what his breed mix is by his foster (and she found out from his original owners).

  11. How nice to know - and that is so nice that the rescue group guessed 'beagle' - that way you were brought together :)

  12. That's so cool. I really need to do one of these tests on Laika. So I guess Rita's speckles come from the Aussie side then? She's beautiful and has some rather interesting ancestry possibilities.

  13. Well, I'm a bit gobsmacked. Not only about Rita's results, but also that Australian Shepherds are originally from Spain! I'm a big believer in "everything happens for a reason" and I'm so glad that rescue labeled Rita as a Beagle mix :-) We're eagerly awaiting Rosie's test results. Jeffie loves Rita's speckles and is so glad she's a herding dog ;-)

  14. Very interesting! I can definitely see the Australian in her but the the Shepherd markings disguised them. Mom so wants to do my DNA! Love Dolly

  15. Oh my goodness! I never would have guessed Aussie! Regardless of breed mix, Rita is such a beautiful girl! It's super interesting, though - I would love to get Riley's DNA tested one day.

  16. Wow, what a variety...but how did a Bedkington Terrier end up on the streets of Encinaitas??

  17. Wow, really interesting. Regardless of the outcome, I'm happy you are together :)

  18. Hey Rita

    I would have guessed the GSD, but surely not the Aussie! How come you're called Australian Shepard's if you're from Spain, shouldn't you be Spanish Shepard's? :)

    Welcome to the herding family buddy!

    I hope you're having a fun day,

    Your pal Snoopy :)

  19. It's fun to see what new breeds you go looking for once you get the results. I love how you picked up the speckles on Rita's paws after reading Aussie.

    Who knows what other traits you'll start picking up in your girl now that you have the DNA results?

  20. Wow, what a shocker! Well, it sounds like it was meant to be for her to be with you....considering she came in under false pretenses....LOL. It is fun to watch for the different characteristics now that you know. Though you still have to wonder where the nose comes from!

  21. Very cool to learn what Rita is, so hard to guess right. I like how you did the post. Congrats on one year of your book. I have it so don't enter me in the contest I hopefully will get to read it on my trip to canada in a week.

  22. Wow that is cool. I can see the two main breeds in Rita for sure. I am always skeptical though when the dna calls out some exotic breeds. I kind of doubt they are out there randomly reproducing, but the main two...yep.

  23. No matter, she is adorable whatever her mix is :)

  24. SO interesting. I find these DNA tests fascinating, especially when looking at the individual physical characteristics. But, in light of you finding her and her Beagle spirit, her combo of all those genes came together perfectly!!

  25. Interesting Rita! Too bad you can't make the Sheagle famous, but I totally see the Australian Shepherd thing going on.

  26. hello pooch smooches its dennis the vizsla dog hay wel of korse!!! leonberger wuz totaly at the top of my list of gesses!!! and by top i meen noware on the list at all!!! ha ha ok bye


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