August 24, 2014

Monday Mischief: The Dog's the Thing

Okay, actually Shakespeare said: The play's the thing. But... we went to see a Shakespeare play - and it had a dog in it. And a play with a dog is really the thing!

That mischief-makin' pup totally stole the show!

Some folks from the hubs' work asked us to go to a play at San Diego's Old Globe theater, and they let us pick which one. I knew nothing about Two Gentlemen of Verona (if I had I might not have picked it...) but the blurb said there was a dog. So obviously I picked that one!
The adorable banners at the outdoor theater
Two Gents is Shakespeare's first comedy, and it's apparently not one of his beloved works. (More on that in a sec.) But, hey, there was a dog! And she was pawesome!

Every time she came on stage, she was the only thing I could watch. So cute! She was playing the part of a male dog, Crab. Damn, she could act! She pulled off that part with no problem. (And with no neuticals.)

They had her in an Elizabethan collar - the stiff, white actual Queen Elizabeth kind, not the Cone-of-Shame kind - and she would wag her tail like crazy every time she was on. Adorbs!

Her write up in the Artists section of the program was too cute as well: "Khloe (Crab) an 8-year-old Labrador/German short-hair pointer who enjoys the company of people, a good bowl of food, a scratch under her chin, a queen size bed, her sister Marley Jane, and a squeaky tennis ball. Did she mention food? ... Khloe thanks her family and friends for the love and support that allow her to be a dog."
A close-up of the cover of the program
So, yeah, the dog was the highlight and the play itself wasn't great. (Bill definitely got better as he went.) Have you seen Two Gents? Apparently the original ending has Male Lead 1 insinuating he's going to rape Male Lead 2's gal. This costs him neither his friendship with Male Lead 2, nor his later engagement to the woman who loves him who witnesses the whole thing. Um. Yeah.

Kinda puts a damper on the whole "comedy" thing. (Thinking with that ending, Bill should have gone with the original working title of Two Rat Bastards of Verona...) Happily, The Old Globe decided to change the ending. I think that was a wise move!

Even with the new and improved ending, the dog was still the best part.

In Other Mischief...
I finally got up the nerve to remove blogspot from my Blogger domain. So, welcome to! (Did you notice the new watermark on the pics above?) 

I fretted about it for ages (like, seriously, months - that's the mischief part). It was stupid-easy and I should have done it sooner! (Big thank you to Elizabeth over at Chronicles of Cardigan for her post that walked me through it - and includes bonus Corgi pics!)

Um... but maybe there's more mischief there that I haven't discovered yet... If you have any problem accessing the blog, or seeing it via your Bloglovin' feed or whatnot, can you let me know? It seemed to work fine, but what do I know??

A Final Bit of Mischief...
Starting Wednesday, Rita and I are taking a little bloggy break. We'll miss coming around to visit y'all. I'm going to try to limit the Facebook time as well so don't post anything super exciting while we're offline! Don't wanna miss out! ;) Hopefully see you back here for Monday Mischief on September 8. For those in the US, have a great 3-day weekend!

Thanks to Snoopy’s Dog Blog, Alfie’s Blog, and My Brown Newfies for hosting Monday Mischief!


  1. I would have chosen the play for the exact same reason: a dog is in it, I'm going.

    Congrats on the dot com! It looks good on you.

    And good luck with your bloggy break; see you on the other side.

    Wags (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats

    1. I figured I was not the only one here who'd think the same about picking which play to see!

  2. No problems with your blog here and have a great break.
    Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

    1. Yeah! I'm glad it's working. I guess I didn't screw it up! :)

  3. Congrats on your move. Dogs in the theater sounds fun.

  4. Too bad about the play, but at least you had a little doggy entertainment. Enjoy your break - we'll all be here when you get back :)

  5. Hi Y'all!

    Oh great fun mischief, I'd say! Blog shows up great. Hopped over, so I'll have to check the regular fee later. Maybe you'll inspire my Editor to follow in your, blog steps?

    Have a wonderful blogging break!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

    1. Tell your Editor it was easy! (I had one minor little hiccup during the process, but just kept plugging away and managed to get it figured out!)

  6. We finks that would have been a great play to watch. MOm is still working on those furry things (working i.e. thrown in the drawer so she doesn't look at it) but she would like to try to do a small blanket for a baby hard would that be......Oh LOrdy!!!!!!!
    stella rose

    1. I bet those little furry things are calling to her from the drawer... I feel bad about that...

  7. Sounds like fun play. Have a wonderful break!

    1. Thanks! Looking forward to it. Although I do kinda have heart palpitations when I think about no blogging and trying to limit the Fbk time .... I'm an addict. I admit it!

  8. I'm usually pretty good at picking up changes but you .com and watermark change went right over my head. What's the advantage of going .com?

    Enjoy your break! I'm planning one soon too. I've been spending way too much time online lately!

    1. I just thought it would look nicer/cleaner/more professional on biz cards and for my watermark. Also I woulda been really bummed if someone else bought the "poochsmooches" domain. Since it's not a super unique-to-me name, I figured there was a chance someone might buy it. (There's a "" so not too far off for someone to think of doing 'poochsmooches.')

      I'm looking forward tot he break!

  9. Haven't seen the play, but that program cover and banner art - LOVE IT! Congrats on the blog address change. Elizabeth's tutorials are awesome! Have a nice break!

    1. Her tutorials ARE awesome! I also learned from her how to put my Fbk, Twitter and G+ icons on the blog!

  10. Whatever you're doing on break, do it up. Harley and I will leave the porch light on for you (remember those commercials?), and can't wait till you return....

    1. Yes! The Motel 6 commercials! We'll miss everypawdy!

  11. Evidently the actors ignored the "never work with pets or kids" advice in the theater! Love Dolly Pees: Have a great vacation!

    1. Haha! Yes, those are words actors are supposed to live by!

  12. We love Shakespeare, but he really missed it by having a dog in only one play. We could think of a way to use a dog in all of his plays. And they would have been improved. According to us.

    1. Yes! Definitely! But if Romeo and Juliet had had a dog, and he died TOO....well, I don't think I could have handled that!!

  13. Enjoy your break - you deserve it!! Btw, I use Feedly, and it all transferred just fine!

  14. I have never seen "Two Gents," and frankly, I don't think I've ever even thought of it since 11th grade. (I might not have liked the Shakespeare unit in English all that much. How ironic that I find word play so delightful in my old age.☺) I would probably go see it just for the dog, though!

    I just tried your new URL, both with and without the www. and got here both times - yay! I'm so glad whatever wasn't working before got fixed! TY for mentioning me. Hope you have a restful break!

    1. It's worth it for the dog. Beyond that... eh, not so much.

      Yeah - I think it's just a glitch I was experiencing w/ that with or w/out the www thing. Seems to be working now for me too! And thank YOU for posting your helpful blog posts!

  15. Congrats on your url change. Those things are scary but one is happy when they are all done and they work! Enjoy your vacation from blogworld!

    1. Yes - they are scary when you are like me and only know enough techy stuff to be a danger to yourself!

  16. I would have chosen the same play for the same reason. I always enjoyed Shakespeare, but am not familiar with that play (and not sorry I missed it from the sounds of it!).
    Enjoy your break, and congrats on the big change!

    1. Yeah, I really wasn't familiar with it either. I just assumed all his plays were good! But I guess a couple of his early ones are not so great... Still, I read that this one was very popular in his day!

  17. Good for you with the changes! Change is hard but you done it and all is well. Have a nice little bloggy hiatus.

    1. Thank you! It's going to be hard to be on hiatus... going to miss all you guys!

  18. That's a lot of mischief for one week! I'm impressed, I'd have gone to see a play with a doggie in it too! (If I was allowed!)

    Great job on taking off the blogspot, I could see everything just fine today!!

    Have a fab time on your break!

    Your pal Snoopy :)

    1. Snoopy, that would have been pawesome if they let dogs be in the audience too!

  19. Your blog works fine for us too. Enjoy your break, see ya soon.

  20. I've never seen a play with a dog character. But I rate movies by how many dogs appear in them. It's one (among many) reasons I adore Lion in Winter so much. It's filled with dogs.

    Congrats on making the move from blogger.

  21. hello pooch smooches its dennis the vizsla dog hay hmm yoo ar rite they do not sownd verry mutch like gentlemen at all!!! i gess verona has difrent standards then the rest of us!!! we wil see yoo wen yoo git bak frum yore brayk!!! ok bye

  22. Hope you are enjoying your break. I am so far behind I am getting here when you are almost


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