May 15, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: The Almost-Perfect Doormat

Remember the other day when I posted about bilingual dogs and the need for dogs to learn French? Well, a couple of days after that, I came across an almost perfect welcome mat for our house:

It's the perfect color for our bright orange door. (I would never have had the nerve to paint the door orange, but it was that color when we bought the house. I love it!) Obviously having some sort of doggy themed mat is a total bonus and it's got the dog saying, in French, "Je Garde la Maison" - I guard the house!
She actually won't be smiling at you like this if you drop by.
Now, though the dog in the picture is sleeping - but that is not how Rita guards our house. If it showed the dog leaping and barking with much gnashing of teeth, then it would be truly perfect.
Almost perfect...
In Other News
I've got a few quick items in other news:
(1) I'm having some serious laptop troubles so there won't be any Mirth Watch post tomorrow. It will just have to wait - and hopefully it won't take long to resolve my troubles since I'm adding this tidbit to a previously prepared post via my iPad - and Blogger and my iPad don't always want to play nicely together.
(2) I was interviewed yesterday by Isabella Louise Anderson on her Chick Lit Goddesses blog. You can read it here and check out a blurb about my new book.
(3) Starting Monday and all next week I'll be participating in a Chick Lit blog hop, wherein you can enter to win a Kindle (!!! Specifically - a Kindle Keyboard 3G) and a library of 35 fun rom-com chick lit books, including What the Dog Ate. I was hoping to post the artwork for the blog hop, but alas my iPad/Blogger troubles are thwarting me. At any rate, you can check out more about the hop here. On Monday, to participate, I'll be posting what's on page 25 of What the Dog Ate - don't worry - it's still doggie-related! There will also be a link to enter the giveaway via Rafflecopter. Hope to see you on Monday.

Happy (almost) Wordless Wednesday! 


  1. That's very cute!

  2. we have a friend at the dog park and she has taught her dogs all his training tricks in! We will be checking out the other blog sometime today.
    stella rose
    p.s. our mat would say, watch out for lickers and nippers.

  3. Very cool door mat! Congrats on being interviewed. Can't wait to get a sneak peak of what the dog ate :)

  4. Food is a universal language...

  5. Great door mat. The problem with it for us would be the orange... all three dogs guard the house exactly like the one on the mat!

  6. La natte est magnifique, et la couleur est parfaite.

    LOL! Hope I said that right, my French is rusty to say the least....

  7. We use a little Spanish and German from time to time.

  8. Cool door mat and what a great colour door. Such fun. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  9. First, I LOVE the orange door (it matches my collar)!!! Second, that doormat is a perfect match for the door even if it is only a partial match to Rita's temperment. BOL Happy Wednesday.

  10. I love the orange door and the mat is too perfect!

  11. Cute mat and fabulous interview - just hopped over to read it!

  12. It's a really cute mat! Hope you get your computer issues fixed up soon, I know they can be troublesome and frustrating!

  13. It matches perfectly! I would have never thought to paint a door orange, but hey, it works! Happy WW!

  14. Good luck with that computer!
    I know that can be very frustrating. And I
    love that door too!

  15. Love that doormat! Jeffie feels the same way about folks at the door as Rita! Looking forward to that giveaway :-) Heading to read your interview now...

  16. Love the door and the mat!! You wouldn't know it, but orange is my favorite color!
    Terrific interview, by the way! And dang, I still need to grab a copy of What the Dog Ate.

  17. I'm not sure I'd paint a door orange either but I gotta say, I really like it! Hmmm....maybe something to think about. If there was a door mat with that caption and the dog lay on it's back for a tummy rub, that'd be some of our pack!

  18. Oooo. I like the doormat. And the idea of a snarling Rita. My dogs answer the door the same way, which makes me happy. Our door is barn red. The last house we painted the door an eggplant color. A bold door color makes it pop!

    Hope you get the glitches worked out. I gave my Hunny my new iPad last fall because I couldn't blog from it. I call it the iSpouse now. :(

  19. Haha, that's a great door mat!
    Thanks for visiting my blog, it's been great meeting you.
    Rita is very lovely, and I think your door is FANTASTIC! Orange is my favourite colour, and the design of your door is pretty cool too!
    Have a grrreat week,
    Pippa :) woof


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