May 30, 2013

Mirth Watch Thursday: A Bedtime Ritual

Rita makes us laugh (or at least smile) many times a day. One of the things she does is so darn cute and funny that I've been trying for ages to catch it on video.

I've blogged before about our sleeping arrangements - she's welcome to sleep with us but sometimes goes to her own bed for a while first. (Maybe because she fell off of ours before...) 

Almost every night when she goes to her own comfy little bed, she goes through this very energetic ritual of rearranging her blankie. It's like she has to have it just so or she can't sleep - although it usually just goes from one crumpled blob to another.

I've been trying to capture this on video for months (after all, we've had her almost 18 months now!), with no success. She really goes to town rearranging that stupid blankie when my camera is nowhere in sight. But whip out the camera, and she stops and stares at me like, "What?"

Or she acts like "Nothing to see here."
"Seriously, Momma. I'm not doing anything. Go away with your camera."
I thought I'd almost caught her the other night - but no. I got 7 seconds of this. What a tease.

But, then, finally (!) - success!
I just wish I'd captured the usual grunts and harrumphing that generally accompany this behavior!

Does your pup have a nighttime ritual? 


  1. Rudy does the same thing. He also does the same thing - during the day - on OUR bed. One of us will walk in the room and there's this blob of sheet and comforter usually in the middle like a small mountain. LOL Then, of course, Rudy is lying NEXT to it. Go figure...?

    1. Oh, that's too funny. Luckily I don't think it ever ocurred to her to do that with our bed! She does try it with the throw rug at the foot of our bed though!

  2. Oh hilarious! She looks so pleased with herself. Our dogs don't really have a nighttime ritual. They just lay down on their blankies.

    1. What good pups! Rita also gets a treat before bed. She hops up in our bed every nigth waiting for it very expectantly. Heaven forbid I might forget it one night!

    2. We're such bad dog parents. No treats at bedtime. We just go to bed and they follow us. It's a good day when I remember I have treats in the house. Lucky for my dogs that they have a rabbit to follow around and eat the "treats" he leaves.

  3. If we stay up too late for Wilson, he heads upstairs without us. Jimmy waits until we are ready no matter how long it takes. However, when we head to bed, he'll walk over to the bottom of the stairs and stop. He looks at you, he looks at the stairs, he looks at you. That's his way of indicating he wants to be carried up the steps! If you go up w/o him, he just stays at the bottom and waits. Eventually we give in and go back down and give him his ride up. Yes, he really is the king!

    1. That's so funny. My mom's dog would go to bed by herself when she got tired - and look at us all like "Can you keep it down??"

      So cute to picture you guys carrying Wilson up the stairs. When we used to dog-sit Lou at our old house we had a 2-story house and he wasn't crazy about the stairs. Luckily we never had to carry him up, but he had to get his momentum going before he'd attempt them!

  4. this was too precious for words!! What a sweetheart! She has to have it all "just so" thanks so much for catching this on video!

    1. Oh, thank you! She is pretty darn funny with her "just so" ways - especially since the "after" often looks a heck of a lot like the "before"!

  5. She definitely looks pleased with herself after all that!

  6. That's adorable! What a little cutie ;) Thanks for sharing!!

  7. Oh, that is just too cute! I love it when pups do that. But I love at the end her sweet little face looking at you! Too cute!!!

  8. LOL, that is soooo cute!

  9. That is cute! I don't often use my bed, I prefer the floor. When I see it's bedtime, I go and flop down across the front door - that's where I like to sleep as I can keep an eye on everything from there.

  10. Very cute. We have all kinds of rituals and habits at our house. And normally during the course of at least one of them, either one or both of us burst out laughing at one of the dogs. They're just so darn cute!!


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