May 9, 2013

Mirth Watch Thursday: Best Dog Body Part

What's the best part of a dog? Is it his/her tail, since that's how your pup shows love? Is it the nose - so perfect for planting kisses on? While those dog-parts are pretty great, I personally think the best part of a dog is it's ears!

Whether floppy...
Rita enjoying a cinnamon roll treat

Or pointed...
Handsome angel Lou
Or a bit of both...
Beautiful angel Abby
... they are just so darn expressive, plus there is the added benefit of being able to scritch them. Rita loves a good ear scritching. And the softest spot on her is the downy hair right behind her ear. A very kissable spot.

Now, if your dog has the right type of ears, you can also amuse yourself with them. Here, I demonstrate in some old pics of me and my sis's (oh-so-tolerant) beagle, angel Casanova:
Cas with prim pin-curls

Cas as Mozart

Cas as the Easter Bunny
 And the ever-popular, Cas as Princess Leia

And now for your viewing pleasure, a cute video involving - what else - ears!

Do you agree? Are your pup's ears your fave part?


  1. Oh yeah we like our ears also, cos mom rubs them, and kisses them, yeah ears are good!
    stella rose
    except when she tries to clean them.

    1. Oh, that reminds me... the vet told me to start cleaning Rita's ears. Did it once... She wasn't a fan!

  2. What a nice treat seeing my sweet angel dogs, Lou & Cass, featured. Dog ears are "huge" in our household right now as we work to get Reggie's standing upright. I do love his ears, with that oh-so-soft, smoky-colored fluff behind them. Very kissable.

  3. Being a Cardi person, ears are it!

    1. Those big ol' satellite dish Cardi ears are pretty awesome.

  4. Poodle ears are pretty boring but we do like them long and flowing like a fairy princess.

  5. Rita you have the most adorable ears sweetie. Have a terrific Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

    1. When we got her, I wondered if they would stand up (I didn't realize at the time that she was already past the age where they turn up). I'm glad they're floppy, cuz they're so cute that way!

  6. Ears are great, as is every inch of each one of the pack! All the pack have stand up ears but different thickness.

    Last night, I would have said that my least favorite part was feet. Specifically Forest's as he kept putting them in my face. (he was sleeping across the pillow...maybe he's spoiled?)

  7. Dakota doesn't have floppy ears so my favorite parts of him are his doggy butt, his gorgeous mane and his delightful jelly bean eyes!

    1. Aww. He's such a gorgeous boy, he has lots of perfect parts!

  8. I love my ears being rubbed:-) But my favourite body part is my tongue hehehehe!

    1. Rita's fave is probably her nose. Gotta sniff out the good stuff!

  9. I love Torrey's soft ears.

  10. Gizmo's ears are like punctuation marks...he's got the "2 ears down" the "2 ears up" and the mysterious "1 up and 1 down" which is my favorite...

    1. The one up, one down look is especially adorable. Love when Rita's ears do that.

  11. I love when Max has one ear flapped over and one's so cute! That video was funny!

  12. Love the dog ears, but fave part is the throat. Soft, soft... really, really, soft. :-)

    1. True - I love when Rita is nekid - the lovely white fur on her throat is definitely very soft.

  13. Indy's best feature is her ears!

  14. I love their ears but I love their paws too and their soft tummies and their noses just perfect for kissing.

    1. Tummies are awesome too. I especially love a spotted tummy. And noses are indeed perfect for kissing!

  15. Mommy likes our tummies and our paws! Our paws cause we high five her with them and our tummies cause they are soft and we love to have them rubbed!


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