February 18, 2013

Monday Mischief: What a Tease

Hi all - Rita here. After Momma wrote about my special Valentine guy last week, well I have to admit I was a little worried when Valentine's came and went with no special package or card arriving.

I checked in with my special guy, Rocket, just to be sure we were still okay - after all, he did send me photos agreeing he'd be mine! But still... I thought maybe he was being fickle. Or maybe he was being a tease. Not to worry - it was just that his Daddy forgot to put the package in the mail. Phew!

Anyway, my package arrived on Friday:
"Look, it says right here it's for me!"
"Oooo, it smells so good in here!"

I got to unwrap stuff!
Oh man, there's ALL kinds of stuff in here!

He sent me a lock of his hair!
Isn't he the cutest?

Look at all the good stuff he sent! There's a bunny box filled with yummy treats, bunny straws, a treat wrapped up in a monkey bag, (monkeys and bunnies are kind of a thing with us...) a bunny-head Pez, a stuffy, a card, AND 2 boxes of chocolates for my Momma and Daddy. How thoughtful is that? As you can see in the picture, I look a little guilty - cuz all I sent him was a card. But Rocket says that's okay - the girls are supposed to get the gifts on Valentine's. I like the way he thinks.
All I sent was a card...
Can I have this one right now?
These chocolates here say they are for Daddy. Good luck, Daddy.

This is my favorite part - a very special, smoochy card, and a monkey-ear wearing doggy:
The doggy says "some bunny loves me." Hee!

Oh, wait, this is my other favorite part - a bully stick! (Pizzle! What every girl wants for Valentine's!)
It smells so good!
Hope you all had as good a Valentine's Day (or belated one) as I did. Happy Monday Mischief!


  1. BOL!!!! Yes, every girl wants a pizzle for Valentine's Day. :D I'm dying laughing over here. I didn't know what a pizzle was till a few months ago.

    1. Hee hee.

      I was first introduced to the term when I bought Rita a pack of bully sticks and looked at the ingredients - I knew what they were but wanted to make sure there wasn't any weird preservatives or whatever. The ingredient list simply said: "bull pizzle". Cracked me up.

  2. Wow you had a SUPER V-day! I think you two make a really cute couple. :)

  3. Oh Rita!
    I didn't know you had a boyfriend!!! I thought our time on the beach was special!!!! I didn't meant to knock you over!

    -Your Beach Buddy

    1. Rocket - I know that's you! You are being a tease again!


  4. What?!?!?!?!?!?

    I come over to make a "I love you too" speech and I see this!!!!

    Who is this "Your Beach Buddy" dude?????

    -MBBVP (ex?)

    1. I'm on to you Rocket - don't be teasing me now. You know that beach buddy doesn't mean a thing! You are my one true furry funny Valentine!
      Bunny Rita

  5. How sweet!! (I almost spit out my drink when I read the "Pizzle! What every girl wants for Valentine's Day"! BOL)

  6. Oh my! What a package!! That was very sweet of Rocket to send you all those wonderful gifts.

  7. Hey Rita,

    I think you've found a keeper in Rocket, what an awesome boyfriend he is, he knows how to treat the girlies!!

    Wags to all

    Your pal Snoopy :)


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