August 27, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: Does Your Dog Have a Spot?

I don't mean a spot of color, or a favorite spot to lounge in. I mean a spot that when you itch it, you can count on their leg to start involuntarily scracthing along in time with your hand. That kinda spot.

August 25, 2013

Monday Mischief: Alarming Mischief

The other night, Rita started barking at about 2 am and woke us up. Since she quickly calmed down, I figured she'd seen a critter in the yard and we ignored it.

The next morning I found the problem: the smoke alarm in my office somehow fell out of it's little frame-thingy (sorry to get all technical on you there!) and hit the hardwood floor. How that didn't wake us up, I don't know, but it sure woke up Rita!

There was no battery in it, but I didn't really think anything of it since we'd had an issue last winter with the darn smoke alarms going off in my office/the hallway every time I took a really hot bath - which was, oh, about every night. So I knew we had dismantled a couple of them.

Later that day, I saw Rita freaking out about something by her toy basket. I thought, "Oh great, another unwelcome guest!" Turned out it was the missing alarm battery.

August 22, 2013

Mirth Watch Thursday: Does Your Dog Sing?

I enjoy a singing dog. Sadly, Rita doesn't sing.

Although it almost looks like she's belting out a tune here, using her Himalayan chew as a mic. She's doing her Cindi Pawper impersonation, and yes, this little girl does just wanna have fun:

August 20, 2013

Less Wordy Wednesday: Marketing Genius

Rita's a weird mix of chow-hound/picky girl, so I'm always on the lookout for new things for her. So, when I was cruising the dog section of our local Sprouts (a chain of natural/organic grocery stores - do you have Sprouts?) I immediately noticed a brand I'd never seen before called: "I and love and you."

August 18, 2013

Monday Mischief: More Puzzling Mischief

Remember when I posted that Rita was puzzled by her puzzle toy (except she'd pull the pieces out with ease when there were NO treats in it)? Well, I tried a technique that SlimDoggy suggested and put the pieces in upside down so she could grab them easier.
"Well, heck, this is easy."

August 15, 2013

Mirth Watch Thursday: Lion Cubs, Meatball(s) and a Social-Networking Bear

So, while I was looking at old pics for yesterday's post, I came across a lot of old favorites... including some of these from when the hubs and I got to meet some lion cubs!
Bakari, Jillian, and Suri
We got to feed them...
They were hungry little kitties!