Showing posts with label Dee DeTarsio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dee DeTarsio. Show all posts

October 27, 2015

An Introvert Comes Out of the Cave

Yesterday you might have seen a post I shared on Facebook. It was an essay I wrote on "6 Marketing Tips for Introverts" posted on the We Heart Writing site.

Well, sometimes it's good for introverts to come out of the writing cave and network with other writers, so that's what I did TWICE this weekend. (Okay, that's big for me! Twice, people. I put on makeup and everything.)

First of all, on Friday I met up with my local writing pals, Liz Fenton (of Liz & Lisa fame) and Dee DeTarsio. We always have a lot of fun when we get together.
Liz, me & Dee. Photo courtesy of the gorgeous Dee DeTarsio

October 20, 2015

A Book's Birthday - In Pictures

I thought I'd share with y'all some of the highlights of today, my new book's birthday, and let you know what Pub Day is like!

To start your book's birthday, you wake up all excited that your book is out. But your dog is all like "Whatever. Can we play? Can we go for a walk? Let's do SOMETHING!"
"Whatevs, Momma!"

May 18, 2014

Monday Mischief: Dynamic Duo Review-O

Today's mischief involves posting something a little different. I've posted about books before on the blog, but never about a book that doesn't have a dog in it.

"Wait, what??? No dog???"

Don't worry! There are still pooch pics! Read on!
Isn't that a great cover?!
The reason I'm sharing a non-doggy-book post is because my IRL friend Liz Fenton and new online friend Lisa Steinke are publishing their debut novel, Your Perfect Life, in June! (Hopefully someday I'll also get to meet Lisa in real life!)