January 31, 2017

Ruff! Wait... Roof?!

When you're out on a walk, and you hear barking, and you turn to look...

...and the barking dog is on the roof!

Not something you see every day!

I'm assuming he came from the second story window, that you can just see behind the roof line.

Can you think of a strange place where you saw an animal that you weren't expecting to see?

Thanks to BlogPaws for hosting Wordless Wednesday! Stop by their site to check out all of the other blogs in the hop.


  1. i Had to laugh about this photo. Our next door neighbor had a Rat Terrier and it jumped up on their patio roof one day. We had seen him up there earlier in the day but when we heard them searching for him, we went outside and told them where he was hiding. They grabbed their camera and took photos before rescuing him. He still made his way up there numerous times.

    1. Oh, that's funny that they couldn't find him! I think these folks were just on the other side of the roof gable so I'm pretty sure they knew where their little fluffy guy was.

  2. I was expecting Gambler from Sandspring Chesapeakes! He has been on the roof!

    1. Haha. That sounds like the Gambler we know and love!

  3. I guy on our street has a cat that constantly climbs out the second floor window and sleeps on the roof in the spring and summer. I hope the owner knows about it!

  4. Oh my goodness! I hope he got back inside safely & wasn't stuck there. There were some people that used to bring their two pet wolves to the mall. They were an imposing sight for sure!
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

    1. I'm pretty sure I saw the owners head just over the other side of the roof, so I think they were out there with him. Wow, on the wolves at the mall! There used to be a guy who would bring his wolf-mix to the beach. Gorgeous "dog"!

  5. Brave dude! I can't think of any odd spots I've seen an animal, other than my dishwasher. My cat has always had an obsession. He used to sit on the door and watch me unload. Now, he climbs inside when I pull the basket out to unload. Weirdo.

    1. That's so funny! I've seen dogs/puppies crawl up on dishwasher doors, but never a cat!

  6. I wrote a post about a stray dog who somehow got on a roof. They named him Rufus.I think dogs have a cat envy at times. Who could blame them?

  7. i saw a lab pup on a roof in college once I called the police turns out the owners let him go out there and it was considered fine

    1. Luckily these folks seemed to be out with him too - I could see the top of someone's head on the other sidie of the roof.

  8. hahaha gamblers been there done that, cute photo

  9. This reminded me of the next door neighbor's dog who periodically waltzes out the 2nd story bedroom window and sits above the porch and barks threateningly at passersby. She's quite a scary Akita and I've seen people cross the street in case she'd be tempted to jump from that porch till the owner retrieves her. Yikes!

    1. Wow - I'd be nervous about a roof-dwelling scary Akita too. Just what you need, a big scary dog with a flying start. :) I'd cross the street too.

  10. When I was in Rome, there were these two ginormous seagulls that sat on the ROOF of a parked car. In the middle of the city! There must be thousands of pictures of those two on tourists' social media pages!

    One of my cats goes up on the roof and "knocks" on my office window. I open the window and let her in! LOL!

    1. That's funny about the seagulls! And about your cat too! Cute that she comes around and knocks. :)

  11. Yesterday morning I saw a coyote when I was driving my daughter to school. I slowed down and we looked right at each other. Very weird and cool at the same time.

  12. Nope, I can't think of anything I've seen as strange as that! I can't imagine trusting my dog out on the roof either! Yikes!

    1. Yeah, I wouldn't want Rita on our roof! (ALthough we do have a flat roof, so I wouldn't have to worry about her sliding off at least.) :)

  13. We saw a dog on a roof last summer. It was the strangest thing to hear barking from over our heads and then see a dog on the roof. I can relate to your experience :)

  14. hello pooch smooches its dennis the vizsla dog hay i hav herd of roof rats but never roof dogs!!! we wunse had a grayt bloo heron on the hillside beehind the howse that wuz kind of unyoozhual for us!!! ok bye

  15. That would be a surprising sight.

  16. We would be (and are) concerned that the pooch will jump/fall off the roof. I guess we tend to be a bit overly safety concerned.

    1. Yeah, personally I wouldn't let me dog on the roof! (Well, I'm sure my dog wouldn't WANT to go on the roof - like me, she's a bit of a worrier.)


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