July 5, 2016

"Scout"ing Out Some Fun Over The Fourth

Hope all our American readers had a lovely long weekend! And hope your pups weren't too upset about the fireworks!
A patriotic pup with red, white, and blue flowers
We had a nice, relaxing weekend. My sis and her pup, Scout, came over for dinner one night so we could get the dogs together to play. They've only played a handful of times, so we're trying to get them used to hanging out together.

Rita wasn't super friendly at first (sigh) but after an initial kerfuffle or two, they mostly got along really well.

Scout is a funny pup. My sis had Scout's DNA tested - she's a mix of Belgian Malinois, German shepherd, golden retriever, and hound of some sort (probably whippet since she's so darn skinny!). Scout also seems to thinks she's part parrot. Here she is trying to sit on her mama's shoulder.

Rita - not interested in imitating parrots - was bored with that. She really wanted Scout to come down and play! (They did play, but of course my pics of that were all just a blur.)

Later Scout was back in Mama's lap again!

She wanted to give Mama some kisses, but was going at it from the wrong angle!

Finally she turned the correct way and planted a bunch of kisses on Mama, who found that resistance was futile.

Again, Rita - not a kisser - was bored with that.

A good time was had by all!

As for the fireworks, Rita does fine. We live close enough to hear the SeaWorld ones every night in the summer, so she's used to it. And even though there are public displays much closer to our house on the actual holiday, they don't seem to bother her. Sometimes if there's a particularly loud illegal one in the 'hood, she'll sit up and take notice, but luckily nobody goes too crazy around here, so Rita did really well.

How about your pups? How did they do with all the noise?

Thanks to BlogPaws for hosting Wordless Wednesday! Check out their site to see all the other blogs taking part in the hop.


  1. Awww, love, love, LOVE!

    thanks for sharing - WOOF!

  2. What an adorable lap dog! I'm sure Rita finds her new friend a bit immature, but they will get along just fine in time.

    1. Hopefully! It will make family get-togethers easier!

  3. Part parrot - LOL Looks like Scout is a lover, not a fighter :-)

  4. Looks like they had a great time together! I did the usual Fourth of July thing around here, went to bed early, closed the bedroom door, and played Mozart. There were only a few times the "festivities" outside caught the dogs' attention, but mostly they just dozed though the evening.

    1. That's good that a little Wolfgang keeps the dogs chilled out!

  5. Scout is way cute! We haven't been around fireworks for 4 years, and we were this year. Torrey hates them. Even Roxy was freaked out this year. Glad it's over.

  6. UGH! It's been a miserable few days for poor Jimmy. He becomes unable to function in any manner. Just a quivering mess. The one benefit of Wilson's deafness is he was spared the fear this year. It will be a couple of weeks here before the threat of "poppers" passes.

    1. Oh, poor Jimmy! Too bad they don't make "noise cancelling" headphones for pups! I guess there's upside to losing your hearing!

  7. Aw, Scout is really cute. 💗 Rita sounds like Haley in the way that she's all about playtime, lol! Glad you had a wonderful Fourth. 😊

    1. Yep, Rita's not much for snuggling and would rather play any time!

  8. Love that Scout is a lap dog! Ruby is usually not bothered by fireworks, but this year they were extra loud and really scary for her.

    1. Oh, I'm sorry she had a scary 4th! That's no fun!

  9. Replies
    1. She is! And I even got some kisses from her, which was nice! :)

  10. I think she was intimidated by Rita... at least she got in a bite and romp. Cole hates fireworks. My lab was like Rita. Nothing much worried her. Cole on the other hand is like Olive Oil...

    1. They had a good time racing around. That's a bummer for Cole. Poor guy!

  11. What a sweet puppy. And I love the fireworksy flowers in the first shots!

    1. Thanks! It's been cooler this year and the flowers are all so pretty still!

  12. The fireworks used to really bother Bailey - he would bark and bark and bark. But we think his hearing is not so good and they don't bother him anymore. Mabel barked at the noise but it wasn't too bad
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & mabel

    1. At least there's a small upside to his hearing loss! That's good Mabel wasn't bothered!

  13. So glad you had a lovely 4th. Our neighborhood goes bonkers for fireworks and Sam isn't a fan. We just try to get through them the best we can, usually hugging that knucklehead like crazy all night long. 😉

    1. Oh, poor Sam. It's so hard when they're scared - Rita does fine on the 4th, but she gets really worried when we go on long car rides for some reason. It's too bad hugs along don't take the fears away!

  14. Scout looks like a great pal!!!

    1. As long as they are happy to at least hang out together, we're happy! My sis's last dog didn't like othe dogs so it's nice to be able to finally get together and have the dogs be there!

  15. Wow - that's a lot of firework-related holidays! Good thing your boys aren't scared!

  16. Looks like lots of fun! But I still don't want to go outside for business because I am afraid of the noise. Guess it's a work in progress. Love Dolly

    1. Oh, poor Dolly.. That's not good if you can't go outside to do your business. I bet you're glad the holiday is over!

  17. Never too big to be a lapdog!

  18. We used sedatives this year and they helped a lot. I'm hoping this weekend won't be too bad. Our neighborhood loves fireworks and they go on forever.

    1. Glad the sedatives helped - but that's a bummer that folks drag the fireworks out over several days. Hope you have a quiet weekend!

  19. Scout sure loves her Mom! :) We're glad Rita could still entice her into some play time.
    Luckily the 4th stayed pretty quiet here, since no one around here is fond of loud noises!

  20. Beautiful photos and scout is too cute!

  21. Scout appears to think she is a lap dog! BOL! Glad you all had a great 4th!

  22. I love your photos. Since I love dogs so much. Thank for sharing those adorable picture of your dogs. Best wish for

    you and your beloved puppy.


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