December 15, 2015

Less-Wordy Wednesday: A Prickly Heart & A Pup

In Monday's post I mentioned we went hiking last week in red-rock country (Sedona to be exact). On one of our hikes, I noticed a heart-shaped cactus...

... and then we came across another one. 

And of course, I had to get our fuzzy little love to pose by it.

More Sedona pics coming on the next See Beautiful hop. (Which I'll hopefully remember!)

Thanks to BlogPaws for hosting Wordless Wednesday! Thank you for letting me be wordy! You can check out all the blogs in the hop here.


  1. How cool is that! I thought the pictures from Monday looked like Sedona! I love that area so much. Although I grew up in the midwest, most of my mom's family is in CA. My grandparents ran art camps on Mingus Mountain (near Sedona) and I used to go every summer as a kid. I hadn't been back to the Sedona area in a long time, but then a few years ago I took my husband and daughter. Such an amazing and beautiful part of the country. More than you wanted to know - LOL, but I really love it out there!

    1. That's neat that you used to go there as a kid. It really is so beautiful. We even started looking at real estate online - but the hubs had some bad allergies while we were there so many not a great idea for us to move there.

  2. Careful you don't get too close, those cactus pricklers are painful I hear. Mom has dealt with them and it was not fun she says.

    1. She really had no fear of those cacti and would walk right up to them. She managed to not get poked though.

  3. Replies
    1. I love cacti! We saw a lot of neat cacti and plants there.

  4. Prickly Heart....sounds like the title to a country song...

    I was smitten by a prickly heart
    Boy did that ever smart
    Had I known how bad it would feel
    That prickly heart of yours I would never steal


    1. Hahaha. Love your spontaneous lyrics!

      I wish I'd known you had a prickly heart
      You should have warned me from the start
      If I'd known how prickly your heart grows
      I wouldna tried to get so close!

  5. Replies
    1. I saw the 2nd one at the top of a STEEP hill. I was all too happy to see it so I had an excuse to stop and catch my breath. "Hey, wait. I have to take pics of this cactus!"

  6. Love those prickly heart cacti and Taryn's song lyrics :-)

  7. Aw love the last photo of Rita - she looks very pleased to be posing with a valentine cactus.

  8. The camera loves Rita and she seems to love the camera. Maybe a modeling gig will come along. My dogs see a camera and go hide.

    1. She actually hates the camera! She usually looks away. I got lucky with that shot. There were several other blooper shots!

  9. What a cute picture. Cassius would probably try to eat it. You should make a Rita calendar - she takes such great pics.

    1. Shoot. Wish I'd thought of that sooner! I could have done a calendar of her for the hubs! Maybe next year...

  10. I love those prickly pear cactus, simply because they do grow heart shaped quite frequently.

    1. I also love the colors on some of them. We saw so many purple and rusty-red ones. Very cool.

  11. Beautiful pictures but Rita looks too close to that cactus for comfort! Love Doly

  12. Ah, that last picture is adorable!! I really have to slow down and start noticing more things like that when we're out walking.

  13. How cool to come across those, they are beautiful. I can't believe Rita didn't poke herself my gang would try and grab it.

  14. they're enormous! Cool Valentine idea too. LeeAnna

  15. What cool finds, and of course Rita had to pose next to one. But of course, she is a sweetheart, not a prickly heart! :)

  16. Isn't nature in all her glory just A-Mazzing. Thanks so much for sharing her with us


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