March 24, 2014

Monday Mischief: A Message in the Mischief

On our walk this weekend, we noticed these two cars parked at a neighbor's house:
On closer inspection, they had a message for pup owners (or bad boyfriends?):

I'm assuming we have a vet for a neighbor - or someone who is big in rescue. (Or someone who just wants to SNIP SD residents... yikes. Actually... I can think of some folks who... Oh, never mind.) 
Don't know if you can see it very well, but that's a drawing of a dog with a cat on his head on the license plates. California has a special plate that was just announced last September, which helps raise funds for free and low-cost spay and neuter. (Might have to get me one of these next time my registration is due...)

The artwork was done by Pierce Brosnan. Who knew? It's based on his dog, Shilo, and their cat, Angel Baby. You can see the artwork on the license plate and read more about it here, and also see a picture of California's "first dog" - apparently our governor, Jerry Brown, has a corgi! Again - who knew?

Thanks to our neighbors for spreading a good message in a fun way!

Thanks to Snoopy’s Dog Blog, Alfie’s Blog, and My Brown Newfies for hosting Monday Mischief!


  1. I love Pierce Brosnan, but that man CANNOT sing. Cannot. I love the idea of neutering San Diego, though. Or just Deigo. Maybe Dora, too.

    1. I assume you are referring to Mama Mia. Never seen that. I love P.B. but I guess I'll pass on that one. :)

  2. I did know about Brown's dog, but had no idea Pierce Brosnan was an artist and animal lover! I think I'd like your neighbors :-)

    1. I know, so nice to learn that about him! I've always liked P.B. and now I like him ever more!

  3. Sutter Brown, the governor's dog, has actually taken on some important state duties recently and is a familiar face at the state capital. There are some who would like to give him more power. :-)

  4. I knew about the governor and his corgi ;-)

  5. Cute and who knew about Pierce Brosnan?

  6. Wow, that's pretty cool. I like the artwork.

    1. I know - love the art. From a distance it looks like a crown on the dog's head. So funny to realize it's a cat when you get up close.

  7. Boy I bet those plates get some double takes on the highway! Now why can't my state do something as cool as that...oh well don't get me started on the VA General Assembly...

    1. They definitley get the message across! Some of those personalized plates, you have to read over and over to try to figure out, but not these!

  8. I love that your state is doing that, it's so cool. Those are funny license plates...people are sure to notice and think about it! Luke is going to get neutered next week. Thank goodness my hubby isn't one of those men that gets all weird about that. :)

    1. Oooo.... Luke's going to get "tutored" as we say in my family. Good luck, Luke!

  9. Sounds like you guys have some good stuff going on out there in California!

    1. There are a coupla good things about living here! :)

  10. What a cool find! I'd have been grinning, too! We don't have anything quite that cool in Illinois that I know of!

  11. Very cool that you can get those specialty plates and help out with low cost neutering at the same time! :) Also, never knew Pierce was an artist!

    1. Yeah, it's win win! Show you're an animal lover, and help with spay/neuter at the same time!

  12. Very clever, like the specialized plate with pierce's dog and cat, way cool.

    1. Would love to know if our neighbor is a vet or what. Hopefully they'll be outside one day when we pass by.

  13. I had no idea either...may have to get one myself next yea,

  14. Cool license plates. I don't know if we have anything like that here but I certainly see a large number of dog-related bumper stickers.

  15. BOL BOL funny and hope it belongs to some vets/rescue workers and not a pair of psychos LOL. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  16. Wow! That's interesting! California is so cool.

    Terry, from

  17. Hi, stop by to pick up a Sunshine Award! Terra Toby

  18. What a great way to raise funds...and hoping your neighbors ARE vets, or heavy into rescue, or something explainable.

    Although . . . I know some people I'd like to neuter too. LOL!

  19. LOL you never know what interesting things you can see and learn on a walk!

  20. Way to make a statement neighbors. Well done. :)

    I love the license plate design. And Pierce Brosnan.

    We have a similar program here in Massachusetts. Our artist is not quite as famous. ;)

  21. Ha! Genius plates for a vet or rescue.
    I can only imagine how that conversation went at the DMV. "I'd like you to check to see if a personalized plate is available.... Yes... Neuter... N... E... Yes, that's the one. No, this isn't one of those vanity post-divorce plates. Seriously!"

  22. I had no idea about the license plates, I'll have to let Mum know, what a cool idea! :)

    Hope you're having a fun day

    Your pal Snoopy :)


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