March 10, 2014

Monday Mischief: Found and Lost and Found

Back in late 2012, I found this perfect tag for Rita, which I posted a pic of on the blog.

As you can see, it says "Insert Treat" with an arrow pointing at her mouth - very appropriate for her!
Well, this week, I noticed it was missing. I was bummed, but figured it broke and fell off on one of our walks, and I mentally added it to the always-growing To-Do list.

As you know, we walk a lot of different routes. We probably have about 6 that we do regularly in the 'hood, not to mention the days when we just wander wherever with no particular route, plus almost every Wednesday we drive to meet up with a friend and Rita's BFF for a long walk in their 'hood. I figured unless the thing fell off in the house, it was long gone.

You can probably see where this is going.

Yep, on today's walk (which we call "the Sunday walk" as we always do the same 90 min. route on Sundays), we actually found it!

It was just laying by the side of the road, still intact. Not sure how it fell off of her with the loop still in perfect shape. So odd! (Somebody was up to some mischief.)

What were the odds of that, considering the miles of walking we do all over this town?? Now, that's the kind of mischief we like! One less item for the To-Do list! 

Hope you have oddly good luck today!

Thanks to Snoopy’s Dog Blog, Alfie’s Blog, and My Brown Newfies for hosting Monday Mischief!


  1. I wish that would happen with the half a dozen or so earrings I've lost!

    Wilson lost his entire collar one walk....I found it a week later at the bottom of his favorite swimming hole!

    1. That's pretty darn lucky! (And what were you doing at the bottom of his favorite swimming hole?)

  2. That really is amazing. I need a tag like that for Torrey, she loves food!

    1. The funny thing is that Rita is not very food motivated, and if you give her the "wrong" treat, she will spit it out. But... she still LOVES to stand by the pantry where we keep her treats and hope that someone will give her something.

  3. Wow and what were the odds on finding it again? How weird is that. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

    1. Seriously - what were the odds? And it had been there for a week - someone else might have seen it and pitched it. Maybe I should buy a lotto ticket.

  4. That is a cute tag! Glad you found it!

    1. She also has a cute Hawaiian flower one, but gotta love the treat one!

  5. I'm sure some mathematician could figure out the odds, but they must be astronomical. Or maybe Fate stepped in and made it happen. I'm sure there couldn't be two tags like that.

    1. I know it's ours cuz it has her name and our number on the back. In fact, I had thought maybe someone would find it and call - but then figured probably they wouldn't bother since it must have broke. Don't know how it came off since it's not broken!

  6. wow! Can't believe you actually found it!!!! Thanks for coming by my blog today!

    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

    1. I can't believe it either. Just glad I had been lazy and not re-ordered one right away! that would be my usual luck. :)

  7. How lucky! Hopefully it doesn't fall off again.

    1. Yeah! I obviously need a better ring to attach it with!

  8. Replies
    1. Super lucky. I'm telling you - I need to buy lotto tix!

  9. When I was younger I ripped all Katie's tags off her collar at the dog park. We looked high and low but never found them, you are lucky!

    1. I guess you can be forgiven for that since you were a pup. :)

  10. That is so strange! Just today I located Rudy's "every day" collar. It's been missing for about a month. We've all looked everywhere. Today while walking around the backyard looking at the bulbs shooting up I happened to look at the creek. And about 4 feet outside the fence, on the side of the creek, was Rudy's collar. And no, he has not been out there since fall. A lucky head toss by Rosie while they were being rowdy? I dunno.

    1. That's so funny - what a coincidence. A lucky head toss by Rosie gets my vote. Or maybe some critter thought it smelled interesting and was going to snitch it, then changed it's mind when it figured out it wasn't edible?

  11. I call that pretty lucky. I'm always afraid of losing my car keys or something when out tiwh thte dogs and not being able to get back in the house...

    1. For precisely that reason we had an entry code thingy installed on our garage door, so if I lose my key, I can always get back in. (Provided the power is on!)

  12. Wow! Pretty impressive that you found it just like that! I'm sure Rita is ready for that treat now.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Oh, it ought to turn up if it's in the house. Rita often runs around the house naked so I often have to hunt for her collars as well!

  14. Oh, that's a bummer you lost that one. I didn't realize there were non-jingling tags! That's why Rita sleeps naked - so we don't hear the jingling in the night!

  15. Well that is the definition of lucky!! What's the chance of losing more toys than you actually have? That's the definition of Austin!! lol

  16. Holy cow what are the odds? Hope you went out and got a lottery ticket.

  17. That is awesome that you found it! What are the odds?

  18. That's the best kind of luck! Once, one of my dogs had something in his mouth and when I looked I found it was an earring that I had lost several weeks before. Somehow he managed to find it.

    --Woofs (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats

  19. Oh my should buy a lottery ticket. Seriously!

  20. What a great tag! I have found countless little silver bones with my boys names on them in the backyard with the circle worn out. I'm so glad that you found it!
    Bark More, Growl Less Barking from the Bayou!

  21. That's awesome that you found it! I never have that kind of luck - I've lost bank cards, whole rolls of poop bags, collar lights, a frisbee... all sorts of stuff on walks over the years. Never to be recovered. Though I have at least learned to favour jackets with zippered pockets.

  22. That is amazing! Especially something little like that. I keep losing my yak traks when walking (those are like cleats you put on your boots for icy walking....nothing you I have to keep going back to look for them. They really work great and I never fall on the ice when I have them. But they fall off sometimes and I have to go find them again (luckily I only have a couple different routes this time of year).

  23. Yay - That was a lucky find!! :) We also do lots of different routes and one day when I was younger my little Yorkie friend Daisy's Mom stopped us to give me my tag that she'd found (I'm the only Snoopy in town!) :) - Mum was super shocked as she hadn't even realized I'd lost it! :)

    I hope you're having a fun day,

    Your pal Snoopy :)

  24. wow, what luck! if i were you i would have gone straight to buy a lottery ticket to see if my luck would continue. BOL
    wags, bailey unleashed

  25. that one cool tag.. and i glad you found it :D but i still wonder how it fell off :/


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