December 13, 2016

Good Fences Make Good Neighbors

I thought of the phrase "good fences make good neighbors"** when I took this photo of Rita checking out a neighbor's hens.
Surprisingly, she was totally calm and quiet and just watched the hens. (I guess she doesn't realize "hens" = "chicken".)

But she really wanted the fence to come down later on our walk when she met this handsome Dalmation! I think someone might be in love...

**If you've been reading the blog a looooong time (which is probably only my sisters), you'll know that I'd need an 8' high solid brick wall to make our next door neighbors into "good" neighbors. (I mean, depending on your definition of a "good" neighbor - but for me, NOT seeing them naked is 100% necessary for a good neighbor. Actually, if you do go read that... I must say that they've been much quieter - and always fully clothed - in the 5 years since that post! Thank heaven!)

Thanks to BlogPaws for hosting Wordless Wednesday! Stop by their site to check out all of the other blogs in the hop.


  1. No naked neighbors, always a good thing. Roxy use to chase our chickens, then they would chase her. Since they are bigger, they usually won.

    1. Oh, that's so cute about the chickens chasing Roxy. :)

  2. Yeah we were disappointed to discover6 feet was as high as we could go with our previous emir but it was better than nothing

    1. Yeah, I think we're not allowed to go over 6 either actually.

  3. Oh, I bet my pooch would be acting like a nut with those hens. Sweet dog.

    1. She's *mostly* really very sweet. But just try bringing a strange man around our house! :)

  4. Doesn't seem possible that it's been 5 years since that dude was doing the naked happy dance. There are just some things you can't unsee.

    Scout would have tried to eat those hens.

  5. Are you saying at one time you actually saw naked neighbors?? Oh my...

    1. Yep. I'm afraid that is exactly what I'm saying! :|

  6. LOL! We never knew you lived in a nudist colony! Living in Germany, it is totally acceptable to be nude many places, including the one section of the beach. Katie used to always get loose and chase naked people. Mom thinks Katie could sense Mom's fear and that is why she did it! No naked neighbors or places here...MN is a bit too chilly most of the year!

    1. That is really funny about Katie chasing the naked people! ha! And, hey, that's definitely something in MN's favor!

  7. So cute! I wonder sometimes if my dogs know that the deer they love to chase provide those delicious bones.

    1. Wow, they chase deer? That's a big target to go after! (I wonder what Rita would do if she saw one??)

  8. When we first moved into our home, our dogs and neighbors' dogs would dig under the fence to have play dates. Luckily, we have great neighbors.

    1. Oh, how funny. And, yes, that's good that they were great neighbors!

  9. Hahaha naked neighbors! And we thought we'd seen it all! At least we have privacy on one side to hide the parking lot of tenants cars. I would have gone after those chickens Rita just sayin. Love Dolly

    1. I wouldn't blame you for going after those chickens, Dolly!

  10. I'm surprised Rita was so calm seeing the hens. Maybe she didn't realize they're fun to chase.
    Loud/naked neighbors, ugh! It was brave of you to say something to them.
    I wish we could have an 8-foot brick wall between us and our back neighbors. They enjoy summers in their yard with very loud music that I can hear the bass thumping even with all our windows closed. Oh, the "joys" of suburban living!

    1. I'm not usually the type to say anything, but there were other incidents as well, so I'd had it! I'll only stay quiet for soooo long. :)

  11. Oh good grief, naked neighbors are no fun. But chickens might be fun to watch!

    1. No. No one wants naked neighbors. Unless you signed up to live in a nudist colony!

  12. Gosh, I'm sure glad your neighbors settled down!! I guess it does pay to speak up sometimes!
    Fences are good, except when they keep poor Rita from her handsome guy there! We plan to get chickens next spring. I hope Luke and Cricket will be calm when they see them, but my hopes are not very high...LOL.

    1. Isn't that Dal so handsome?! That will be exciiting to have chickens! I can't wait to hear what the pups think!

  13. However, Rita would like to see her spotted boyfriend naked

  14. Without a fence, Rita would likely quickly figure out a hen is indeed a chicken! Fortunately chickens can really run FAST!

    1. I wonder what she would have done without a fence?!

  15. omg I just read the old post, hilarious. And yet not. Stupid neighbors. We have waaaaaay too many of those and I'm over it. I think you should have remained quiet a little bit longer til your dog bit him in the butt. And brave you. I'm pretty afraid of my stupid neighbors. Oy.
    Hi Rita

    1. There is nothing worse than having terrible neighbors. We have some bad ones on both sides, but I've heard some truly horrible stories. You have to be careful and not piss off crazy neighbors toooo much.

  16. Love those sweet fence kisses. What good behavior from both dogs! Mine would be either barking or peeing at the interloper. They're not good at sharing boundaries.

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

    1. I was shocked how good they both were! She often barks at dogs on the other side of the fence - at least if they bark at her. They really seemed pretty smitten with each other.

  17. Rita says she's not offended by her naked Dalmatian neighbor, haha! I'm glad yours are behaving lately though.

    1. I'm glad they're behaving now too! They did make for some good stories - but quiet neighbors are much more desirable than good stories!

  18. I have a loud neighbor but thank goodness no nakedness involved. I think the brown dawgs would think they won the lotto if they encountered chickens on their walks. lol

  19. None of the pack would be that calm that close to a chicken! Our chickens have to be far, far away. As for the naked neighbour...ewww!

    1. I was really shocked how calm she was! She just stood there and watched them. And, yes, ewww!

  20. Awww...doggy love. A few years back, our dog Cooper was in love with the neighbor dog Casey but she was in love with Barkley. A love triangle through the fences at that!

  21. LOL! Yeah, fences do make good neighbors & so do curtains! That photo with the hens is so cute!
    Love & biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

    1. YES! Curtains! That reminds me!!! We've seen ANOTHER neighbor nude. New folks moved in across the canyon and they have these huge windows on the back of their house (well, so do we... but not in our bedroom) and they hadn't put up any bedroom curtains yet. You can guess where this is going.... At least it was far enough away not to see too much, um, detail.

  22. Haha. Yes, I'm sure it was all your dogs' fault! :) (I'd love to have your dogs for neighbors! Well, and you of course!)

  23. Oh dear lord...yes, 8 ft. seems sufficient enough to keep the eyes from seeing your neighbors in various state of dress/undress. My next door neighbor just installed a hot tub, gulp, I may need to buttress the wood fence so I too can say good fences make good neighbors. 😇

    1. Uh-oh.... The hot tub was the source of our naked neighbor. Yeah.... some new hedges might be called for. :)

  24. hello pooch smooches its dennis the vizsla dog hay wot??? noisy naked naybors??? wot wer they dooing playing the bongo drums like matthew mcconaugheyheyheyhey??? maybe it wuz matthew mcconaugheyheyheyhey!!! altho dada seems to think probly not judjing by yore reakshun to seeing them!!! i hav no ideea wot he mite meen by that!!! ok bye

  25. How cute Rita I love your chicken friend.

  26. We would have to agree the best neighbors are behind a tall wall!!!

  27. Hello Jackie,

    Your dog really looks cute


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