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So cute. So innocent looking. But a silent killer lurks within.... |
We were walking with Rita's buddy Dakota and her mom, and I was distracted talking to Dakota's mom, so when the silent assassin stopped short in front of me, I didn't notice and tripped over her.
I tried to catch myself by taking a stutter-step, but as I did, I heard Rita yelp so I knew I was stepping on her. I think that made me pick my foot up again, and then I landed hard on my elbow on the concrete sidewalk. (Unfortunately my right elbow -- I'm right-handed.)
I dropped Rita's leash in the process - but luckily she ran back to me, and gave me many kisses as I lay there on the ground cussing a blue-streak.
I'll spare you the photo of the stitched up wound itself (it's pretty gross! Everyone who sees it says it looks like a knee, it's so swollen) and just share this little bit of pre-Halloween gore instead:
I jinxed myself! I had just been telling my chiropractor the week before that I'd never been in the hospital, never broken a bone, and never had stitches. I guess if the fates had to hit me with one of those, at least they picked the least of the three! And I feel really really really lucky that I didn't break it!
I was pretty much out of commission for more than a week since I couldn't do much with my arm, couldn't sleep well at night, and the 2 antibiotics I was on made me Queasy and Dizzy (the Dwarves lesser-known cousins). It was a fun week! I'm mostly back to normal now - the road-rash is gone and the stitches are out, but it's still swollen/sensitive, and I still can't bend my arm the whole way, but it's getting there!
So, I want to hear YOUR stories about the time your pet tried to kill, maim, or otherwise injure you!
But first... here's a funny one from my sister. It's about her hubby, Reggie's dad. It wasn't really Reg's fault, but let's face it - if it weren't for him, the accident wouldn't have happened.
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Me & Reg |
When Reg was a pup, my brother-in-law broke his toe when it caught as he stepped over Reg's puppy gate. As my sis tells it, "He had little Reggie in his arms at the time, and I can still clearly picture him lying on his back in the kitchen with Reg held high in the air like a football saying pitifully, 'I saved the puppy.'" So, downside - broken toe, but upside - no squished puppy!
Your turn. Has your dog, cat, or hamster tried to snuff you out? Share your pet-related injuries!
Thanks to BlogPaws for hosting Wordless Wednesday! Stop by BlogPaws to check out all of the other blogs in the hop.
I'm the most clumsy person in the world. I've tripped over Ruby many times, but my most funny injury story involves my daughter. I was at her holiday concert at school. I was coming down the stairs on my way to the auditorium and somehow I fell. I broke my finger - it was literally in the shape of a Z and also sprained my ankle. There was a huge scene and I had to be taken to the emergency room. Thank goodness my daughter was only in second grade at the time. Had she been in junior high or high school I am sure she never would have forgiven me for making such a scene in front of her whole school. Sigh ...
ReplyDeleteI'm super clumsy too and I come from a line of clumsy people! Oh my goodness on your fall! I have a big fear of falling down stairs! Glad it wasn't worse!
DeleteOh my mom has had some nasty injuries from things we dogs have done, including stitches, and she has some nice scars as memories.
ReplyDeleteI should also have a nice scar from this one! :)
DeleteCorgis are surprising strong! I've been out for our morning walk with both guys on leash, when they spot the deer that I didn't notice yet. They sprint to get the deer and pull me right off my feet and SPLAT!, face first into the dirt. It has happened more than once!
ReplyDeleteAnd of course there are all the kitchen incidents where they sneak up behind me while I'm cooking, and when I turn to reach for something on a different counter, there they are and I trip! Fortunately I can catch myself on the counter.
And you don't even want to know all the mean things my horse Misty used to do! Those always sent me to the hospital!
Wowza. My sis-in-law got yanked off her feet and dragged (and tore her shoulder and had 6 months of recover!) - but that was with their mastiff. Wow, didn't know corgis could pull you off your feet!
DeleteYikes on the horse related injuries! I got bucked off a horse as a child - but that left mostly emotional scarring! :)
Ouch, elbow injuries are horrid. I can't think of a time these guys tried to kill me. Roxy is so small, I spend more time trying to not step on her.
ReplyDeleteYes, elbow injuries are horrid. I had no idea! I was hoping to be back to normal with everything by now, but ere are still some things I can't do. (Had hoped to start back with yoga and weights this week but not sure that's realistic.)
DeleteGlad to hear you and Rita are both fine. You probably did jinx yourself huh? When we were first married, and had our first boxer, Cicero, we lived in an upstairs duplex that had wrought iron stairs. One afternoon, when Cicero was still a pup (9 months or so), he got excited going down the stairs and I fell in between them and twisted my ankle badly. Had to go to the ER where they had to cut my boot off because my foot was so swollen. They said nothing was broken, but I was on crutches for 2 weeks. However every once in a while I still get a pain in that area and that's been over 20 years ago!
ReplyDeleteOwww! That's sounds horrible!
DeleteSo sorry for the accident and hope you heal quickly! I had a bike crash many years ago due to a large dog running out in front of me. My bike stopped but I didn't. I flew over the handlebars and skidded on the asphalt. It was not pretty!
That is scary and sounds super painful! Road rash is the worst, and you must have been covered in it!
DeleteIn high school, I watched my friend fly over her handlebars (not dog-related, but she caught her handlebars on a parked car while cycling downhill, and her bike stopped and she didn't!). She landed on her face and broke her jaw in 3 places. It was awful!
I was wondering when the assassin story would appear. It could have been worse, it could've been raining :-). Anyway, very glad it wasn't worse and that it is getting better.
ReplyDeleteYes, it could've been much worse! (And it could've been raining.) ha!
DeleteYou could have shared your recent ankle roll - that was dog-related.
That looks awful! I'm pretty convinced that that's how I'm going to die... tripping over a pet, probably on the stairs. Hope you're healing well!!
ReplyDeleteOMD, our last house was 2 stories and I swear Abby was always trying to trip me up on the stairs. I was convinced the hubs would come home one day and find me with my neck snapped at the bottom of the stairs! Happy to live on a single level now!
DeleteWhen our CharShu was 16 going on 17 he did not see well and would wake up a few times night to go out so I would get up and carry him out to potty. One time I slipped on the steps with him in my arms and landed hard on my butt on the bottom step. But I never dropped him. I sat there for a few minutes before I could get up. My husband never knew it happened until I showed him my huge bruises the next morning
ReplyDeletePugRanch mOm
OMD, that's scary! But good on you for saving the dog! :)
DeleteI bruised a rib last year while walking a pit bull at the animal shelter. Completely not the dog's fault, she was the sweetest, most mellow. I dropped her leash when I fell and she didn't go anywhere. I totally just tripped on some cobble stones. I'm clumsy like that.
ReplyDeleteMy own dogs got in a fight last week and I fell down while separating them. I was the only one with a scrape. They were fine. The fight? Also my fault. I'd given them ice cream and moved their bowls closer together to get a picture. Not a high moment in responsible dog parentage. Got the picture, though.
I'm surprised I haven't sustained more injuries in the 10 years I've been walking dogs at the shelter. Mostly I just get my back wrenched around if a dog is a little too rambunctious on leash.
DeleteHey, at least you got that ice cream picture! ;)
Oh no! I am so glad it was not more serious. I have scars from Hailey's love. Our cat, angel Bagheera, once fell in the bathtub with the Man and he has horrible scars from that.
ReplyDeleteYikes! A scared cat in the bathtub does not sound like fun! Kind of a vulnerable time to have a cat fall on you! (Bagheera is a great name for a cat!)
DeleteEek...so sorry you were injured. Oh yes, I have been inured when walking the dogs (though it was never their fault-I'm somewhat of a klutz and an accident just waiting to happen. I remember the day I was walking the 3 dogs, stepped off the curb and my heel landed in a small divet between the gutter and the street payment. Long story short, my ankle gave out, and both leg bones snapped at the ankle. I had to hobble home about 6 blocks and the ankle was the size of a small melon by the time I got home. 12 weeks in a cast and then surgery to pin the broken bones anyway. The dogs looked at me as if to say, "why in the world did you do that?? ღ
ReplyDeleteOMD! That sounds awful!! I also had a ways to go before I got home, but thankfully all I did was drip blood on the sidewalk!
DeleteI'm a big klutz too - I don't think I could handle 3 dogs at one time without serious bodily injury!
well, there was the time my lab's retractable leash wound around my let, then as she ran it unfurled almost cutting into my leg.
ReplyDeleteOr the time Cole was barking at a dog, I stepped between them and he caught his tooth in my thigh... oops... sorry mom, but you know my mouth goes open and closed when I bark!
forgot to say, tomorrow's post has a recommendation for dog lovers... LeeAnna
DeleteOh, those retractable leashes can definitely be deadly! Glad you didn't lose a limb!
DeleteAnd will try to remember to stop by tomorrow then!
DeleteOhhh I missed that. Sorry that happened and glad that Rita didn't get hurt too. You really took one for the team.
ReplyDeleteI *did* take one for the team! She owes me. :)
DeleteEvery trip to the orthopedic has been from tripping over my dogs. My Golden and I used to run every night. We were chugging along when he stopped. I flipped over my dog and was in a boot and wrist brace for several weeks.
ReplyDeleteOwie! But I'm glad I'm not the only one who's done the "dog stopped short and I flipped over her" thing. Solidarity in numbers!
DeleteSo sorry to see and read this. Wish we were closer - I'd bring you wine and chocolate!
ReplyDeleteOooo, that would be nice! Thank you for the thought!
DeleteOwwww!! One time, Hobie pulled me down and dragged me on my stomach about 12 feet, running after a cat. Stupid me, I didn't let go of the leash!! I had a few cracked ribs. I've had lots of falls and bruises over the years, but have been pretty lucky. Hope you are on the mend quickly. Rita looks pretty remorseful while sniffing that bandage! <3
ReplyDeleteThat happened to my sis-in-law too with their mastiff. I think her hand was through the loop of the leash, so she couldn't let go.
DeleteMending pretty well, but still not totally back to the routine yet!
sheesh that looks painful and scary. Bob was knocked me over and dragged me throug the mud but luckily I wasnt hurt and he was ok too
ReplyDeleteOh, goodness. Probably the fact that it was mud helped! Unfortunately I fell on the concrete.
Deletewow you must have banged it really hard! I'm glad it wasn't broken too - I had no idea elbows are especially hard to fix until I broke mine. Toby had nothing to do with it and I feel bad about how bored he is since I'm mostly just laying around. Take it easy and I hope you're all better soon!
ReplyDeleteOh, I was so sorry to see that you broke yours!! I mostly just laid around too - and that was without a break, so I can't imagine! I hope YOU feel better soon too!
DeleteI hope you're getting pampered and resting up. I had some close calls because I always avoid getting tripped up with Haley at my expense too...but I'll leave it at that because I don't want to jinx myself too now, haha! I hope you're feeling better soon.
ReplyDeleteOh, you must spit on yourself to avoid the jinx! P'too! P'tooo! That's where I went wrong.... after I bragged about my good health to the chiro, I should have immediately spit on myself!
DeleteOh, no! I'm so glad both you and your pup are okay. I'm very thankful that mine two tend to stay out from underneath my feet, and they both walk behind me (not in front). So they rarely trip me while we're walking. But I can see how that would happen. I'd do the same as you--harm my body to spare my dogs!
ReplyDeleteJean from Welcome to the Menagerie
Rita is usually pretty good about walking beside me, but sometimes she does walk ahead and then stops short. She's done it a few times, but I always noticed in time before. I was too busy blabbing with my friend! (I blame her.) :)
DeleteOh my dog, that is terrible. So glad you both are ok! Harley was and Shasta is under foot ALL the time! No injuries to any parties yet, but I might have just jinxed myself too....
ReplyDeleteYou need to spit on yourself!!! No jinxing!
DeleteOuch! Sounds like you're the only one who came out of that scuffle with any injuries. I'm glad all the tails and paws were ok and I hope your elbow heals quickly.
ReplyDeleteYes, paws and tails were all good! Just the elbow took the brunt. It's mostly better, but still a few things I can't do. Hopefully I'll be totally back to normal (well, normal for me...) soon. :)
Deletehello pooch smooches its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow that is kwite an owtchee!!! i am glad yoo ar dooing better now!!! i hav never tried to kill mama or dada however evrywun likes to tel the storry abowt how menny yeerz ago in the mithikal land of noo york my brother tucker wen he wuz yung wuz running arownd like a loonatik and krashd into my pippier frum behind and down pippier went!!! wile tucker just kept going!!! fortchoonatly nobuddy wuz injerd on akkownt of grandpa landed on soft noo york grass but stil if it had ben konkreet their cud hav ben problims!!! ok bye
ReplyDeleteOh man! That could have been bad! My friend (who I was walking with for this accident) got knocked down by a bunch of charging dogs, but luckily it was at the beach. She still hurt her back, but it also could have been a lot worse!
DeleteOw, that looked painful!!
ReplyDeleteI know I hear myself saying "are you trying to kill me?" a lot and there's been many times they stopped short in front of me and I almost fell.
There was the time that Cricket and our golden Moses were getting snarly about a toy. I reached in to take the toy away, trying to avoid a fight breaking out, but I was too slow. Cricket went to bite Moses, but it was my wrist that ended up in her mouth! The only good news was that Cricket's teeth are pretty worn from obsessively chewing toys, so she didn't break the skin. But I had some pretty serious bruises and it was quite painful for a while (luckily also it was my left arm so not my dominant).