August 9, 2016

Wordless Wednesday: Here's the Scoop...

Get it? Here's the scoop.

Actually, there is no scoop, so not much to report this week. Other than the fact that there's a ton of construction going on in our 'hood lately, hence the opportunity to practice Rita's "go to your bed" command.

And, no, we don't make her sleep in a construction-truck-scoop-y thing (sorry to get all technical on you there). It's just the command I taught her for going to her bed - which also works for getting up on stuff... logs...

... or lifeguard towers...
 ... or benches...

Or... well, you get the picture.

Do you have a similar command you use with your dog?

Thanks to BlogPaws for hosting Wordless Wednesday! Stop by their site to check out all of the other blogs in the hop.


  1. Excellent photos and colors too - thanks for sharing.


  2. Sometimes no scoop is good scoop ...or something like that.

  3. That Rita is such a smart dog. No real command but I can make Booker do a lot of things by simply saying "snack." What can I say? He loves his food!

    1. That's good - makes it easier to get them to do what you want. :) Rita isn't always food motivated! (She's weird.)

    2. No I completely understand. Cassius isn't food motivated at all!

  4. Lol...Lots of fun places to jump on.

    1. We're inspired by Mr. N. He gets up on some amazing things!

  5. My word is "Stay" :-)

    I have a similar picture of Wilson from way bay in 2012.

  6. Love it! So much fun visiting your site!

  7. That is the best scoop I have heard. It cannot be improved upon. MOL!

    Sarah, Shadow, and Stealth.

    1. The only "scoop" that would be better, IMHO, would be a scoop of ice cream. :)

  8. I used "jump up" for that. "go to bed" was for his bed, and he knew that one too. When Cole would pester me to go to bed since Dad was already upstairs, but I was watching a show, I said, go to bed and he would. LeeAnna

  9. Rita, you need to start up with nose work. We look for heavy machinery to practice out searches!

    1. Oh, that's interesting. I didn't know you use heavy machinery with that!

  10. I use "shut up" a lot. Does that make me a bad person?

    1. Hahaha.. Nah. I say that to! (Although we've been working on "leave it" and that seems to work really well - even for barking!)

  11. These are really cool shots & great training practice! When I wanty dogs to get up on things I just say "Up, Up!"
    Love & biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

    1. I feel like I should have taught her something that makes more sense, like "up up" - but I guess it makes sense to her, since she does it! :)

  12. Oh, good - that's what we're here for. :)

    I HAVE seen Maddie on Things. My sis has the book. So cute! And she gets on some amazing things!

  13. How pawfectly wonderful Rita got into the scoop thingy (BTW, loved the pun!). Sam would probably go over, take a sniff and hike his leg. Oh THAT dog! 😇

  14. Ha ha, you just couldn't help yourself, could you? We have a "bed" command for Luke, which pretty much means go sit or lie down wherever I'm pointing. I use "up up" for getting up on things like that. I've never tried "bed" outside, but that might work too!

  15. We just had our roads repaved and had so much construction stuff around, but I didn't think to have the dogs get on/in them. I did take photos of them sniffing though.

  16. Great pictures. You got the scoop shovel???

  17. It may not have been an exciting weekend but you still got great pictures!

  18. Haha love it. Everything is a bed.


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