December 14, 2014

Monday Mischief: Everything Is Irresistible

It's Christmas, and Rita is finding everything irresistible. 

First of all, there's the "dogs at the beach" themed tree I put up. She LOVES the smell of the starfish and shells on the tree! It's a bit of Momma-mischief to put something so smelly on the tree, but so far this year she's been good and hasn't stolen anything off the tree!

Next, there's the present (one of) her long distance boyfriends, Rocket, sent. (Sorry, Jeffie... there's more than one of you long-distance boys who's in love with Rita...) I guess that's a little Rita mischief, juggling 2 long-distance romances! Plus some Momma mischief, because as much as Rita wants to open it NOW, I'm insisting she wait until Christmas day.
Sorry about the blurry pic..
Then there's the gourmet frosted cookies that her step-grandpa generously sent to her! Daddy mischief, putting them just out of reach...

But THE most irresistible thing is something that has nothing to do with Christmas... It's Reggie's neck! More Rita mischief, attacking while he's getting dried off by Rita's auntie.

(The look on his face cracks me up!)
So much mischief to get into at this time of year! But gotta be good for a few more days until Santa comes! Hope you're all being good!

Thanks to Snoopy’s Dog Blog, Alfie’s Blog, and My Brown Newfies for hosting Monday Mischief!


  1. Love that face in the last picture! "No fair, Rita!"

  2. Looks like it is shaping up to be a great Christmas for Rita!

  3. Who needs to steal off the tree when you have a neck to nibble lol

  4. we have a lovely tree with no presents or tree skirt...can you guess why...yep ...can you say cos gussie and Maggie pee on everything. So we haf to put our present elsewhere...sigh...stella rose

  5. Reggie has a whole range of emotions in that last photo. I'm not sure what the dominant emotion is but he may have an acting career in his future.

  6. That last photo is a tiny bit Christmasy, since my sweatshirt Santa appears to be overseeing the antics. Maybe Reg is wondering, "Will I have a hickey under all this fluff?"

  7. What a great idea for a theme: dogs at the beach. No wonder she finds it attractive!

    --Wags (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats.

  8. Classic goofy Cardigan face! Love it!

  9. what a pretty tree! I find that now I have a fake silver tree the dogs are less intrigued, as are the cats, works well for the tree

    retro rover

  10. That tree is lovely. I want to try that sometime. When we first got our real tree, I was worried about Mr. N's reaction but he ignored it.

  11. My dog's strangely haven't noticed the tree. Possibly because my OH cut half the branches off for more "present space" and the first branch is pretty much out of sniff reach.

  12. Rita...the naughtier you are the more presents you get!

  13. I love your dogs at the beach tree. That's beautiful.

    There are a few Xmas ornaments I was thinking I could take along on the boat. But even if they don't break, their hangers are likely to chafe due to the constant motion. Maybe I should steal a picture of your tree and tape it to the bulkheads instead. :)

    And yes, I love the look on Reggie's face as Vampirita went for his neck. :)

  14. That's a lot of mischief going on there. Harley received a holiday dog house we're about to tackle later on this afternoon.

  15. Love your tree theme! Though Jeffie had no idea Rita was a vampire, he still loves her like crazy :-)

  16. Tell Rita to be careful not to get into TOO much mischief before Santa comes! :)

    I love your tree! I like to do a theme too....mine is all animals this year.


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